Chapter Twelve: Picnic

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Click on link for clothes for later. Necklace will be added later in chapter than  when she dresses

"You're a Shadow Shifter. An extremely rare form of shifter. I only know of one in existence still."

My eyes were pitch black with a circle of emerald green around the iris.

"What does this mean, Carlisle? What am I supposed to do?" I asked, scared. His arms wrapped around me quickly, sensing my worry.

"It means I need to call an old friend and you need to make sure not to get too angry for a while. And rest as much as you can. Until you shift for the first time, you're gonna be in a lot of pain," he said, rubbing my back.

"Old friend? They can help with this?"

Carlisle locked eyes with her and rested his forehead against hers.

"His name is Lucius. He is over three thousand years old and very wise. He is a Shadow Shifter as well. He'll be able to show you how to control your shifting and temper," explained Carlisle.

My eyes began to droop from overload of information and from just being exhausted.

"Rest now," Carlisle murmured, pressing his lips to my head," we'll talk more later."

* a few hrs later *

I woke up with no one in the room but the entire roomed smelled of Carlisle. Wait, smelled? My hand shot up to my nose in shock and I ended up bonking myself on the nose. Grumbling, I pushed myself into a sitting position and looked around the room. There was a desk on one wall, a laptop sitting perfectly on it. On the wall directly across from the bed were bookcases filled with books, a fireplace that wasn't lit, a picture above the fireplace, and a shut door. On the third wall was another shut door with paintings around it. A knock sounded and Alice popped her head into the room from the door on the third wall.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like a bus hit me. What time is it?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. 

"4 in the afternoon. Carlisle won't be home for another hour. He got called in to work," Alice said, practically bouncing on her feet.

I looked at her and narrowed my eyes.

"All right. What has you so excited?" I got up from the bed and carefully stretched. Pain hit every nerve in my body and I doubled over. Alice caught and steadied me. 

"You're going on a date, that's why. and not a formal date or anything like that. just jeans and a blouse date. Though I can't say what you will be doing," Alice said, winking. I groaned as she helped me stand upright once more and she blurred out of the room. I was still reeling from her first zoom when she came right back in with a small stack of clothes.

"Here you go. I went and got you clothes from your house. Get dressed." And Alice left the room, leaving the clothes on the bed.

I sighed but was giddy from the prospect of actually going on a date with Carlisle. I dressed as quickly as I could and as I was just finishing fixing the hem of the shirt to cover the waistband of the jeans, a knock sounded on the door. 

"Come in." The door opened and in stepped Rosalie who smiled in greeting. 

"Hi, Jade. Alice sent me to do your hair if you don't mind," she said.

"Course I don't mind. Whatever you think will look best will do," I said.

Rose nodded and led me in to the bathroom. I sat down in the chair in front of the mirror. It didn't take her long. She brushed a comb through my hair and put it up into a low bun on the side of my head. 

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