Chapter Five: Cold Yet Comforting

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(I have never had a panic attack before, and I have never seen one. I'm sorry if I get some things wrong.)

I didn't know how much time had passed, but I soon felt freezing hands on my shoulders. 

"Carlisle, what's wrong with her?" I could make out a high-pitched girls voice. 

"She's having a panic attack. Jade, it's Carlisle. I need you to take deep breathes and let them out slowly." I tried to do what he said, but I couldn't. 

"What's wrong with her? How is she?" I heard dad's voice and then heavy footsteps walking into my room. 

"Panic attack. I need her to even out her breathing. Has she had panic attacks before?" 

"Many, some were worse than others. She can normally calm herself down." 

"If I can ask, what happened in her past that caused her to have panic attacks?" Alice's voice was close to me, almost as close as Carlisle's was. I let out a sob as she asked this. I felt cold arms wrap around me and pull me into a hard chest.

"How's Bella? Bet she's worried about Jade. Let's go tell her that Jade will be all right." I heard Alice's and dad's footsteps leave the room. My tears started to slow down and my breathing slowly evened out. 

"That's it. Breathe. You're safe here," Carlisle said, his hand rubbing my arm. My breathing went back to normal and the terror faded. My arms were stiff and my legs were no longer curled into my chest. My legs were bent at the knees and laid on the left side. My fingers curled into the material of Carlisle's shirt as he moved, his arms releasing me. He stopped and then moved his arms back around me. My head was tucked under his chin, my body limp. 

"Rest. You'll feel better after you sleep." I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. Before I blacked out, I heard a slight growl and then lips met the top of my head.

Carlisle's Pov: 

I couldn't tell her, not yet. Bella was close to figuring it out, I knew that. But Jade's reaction to the news was all that mattered to me. The worry that had ran through me seeing her shaking and tears rolling down her face. She was curled in my arms, sleeping with her head against my chest. Her fingers were holding tightly to my bicep, her hands slightly shaking. 

"Carlisle?" I turned to look at my daughter standing in the doorway. 

"Is she okay?" 

"She'll be fine. But if she has more like this, she's going to need help." Alice moved to leave again when a faint meow sounded from the hallway. Jade stirred a little, but settled back down. 

"That would be the kitten she found," Charlie said, holding a small black and white kitten. The kitten wiggled in his hold, wanting to be put on the ground. As soon as its tiny paws touched the ground, the kitten shot up onto the bed, curling behind Jade's knees.

Jade moved closer to me, her warm breath hitting my frigid collarbone. 

"We need to go. Call me when she's woken up and if she ever has one again," I said, moving Jade gently from my arms to lay her on the bed. 

"Course. Is she gonna need a few days to rest?" 

"One day. After that, if she feels up to it, she can go. One more thing before we leave, has she told Bella about these panic attacks?" 

"No, I don't think so. Only I and their mother know what happened to Jade. Jade didn't want Bella to know what happened." I nodded before leaving Jade's room, heading downstairs.

Jade's Pov: ( four hrs later)
I felt a warm hand on my forehead. It was rough, so I figured it was Dad. I opened my eyes and he smiled down at me. 

"How ya feeling?" 

"Better. Where are Alice and Carlisle?" 

"They left a few hours ago after you fell asleep. Which reminds me, I need to call Dr. Cullen, let him know your awake. Also, your cat hasn't moved since getting up there so don't roll over. Dad left my room and went downstairs. I sat up slowly looking for Shadow. She sat up and yawned, showing off two rows of pointy teeth. 

"Hey, girl. Thank you for staying with me." She purred and crawled into my lap, laying down once more. 

"Jade, are you okay?" I looked up and into Bella's eyes. 

"Yeah, feel fine." 

"Great, now will you please tell me what happened?" 

"No, I will not." Bella looked shocked at my sudden coldness.

"Why not? I just want to help." 

"I said no, Bella!! Do you not understand that I do not and will not tell you?!?!" I yelled at her, her eyes starting to tear up. She turned and speed walked out of my room just as dad came in with his phone in hand. 

"It's Dr. Cullen, Jade." He handed the phone to me and left once more. (Italics is Carlisle, Bold is Jade.)

"How are you feeling, Jade?"

"I feel better. Thank you for helping me."

"I'm glad you're better. I don't know if Charlie has told you yet, but no school tomorrow. Or the next day unless you feel up to it."

"Ok. But I feel fine now, why can I not go tomorrow?"

"Because whatever set off that panic attack may start another one if you see it again. I'm fairly sure Charlie wouldn't want you to have another. You scared him, Bella, and Alice pretty bad. As well as myself."


"It wasn't your fault, Jade. If I may ask, what did you see that may have triggered that panic attack?"

"I-I can't tell you. I'm sorry, but I can't."

"It's okay. I understand."

"You didn't hear Bella and I before Charlie gave me his phone, did you?"

"I did. You don't have to tell her what happened, but she might be able to help you."

"I'll think about it. I'm getting tired, though. I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing before dad called you."

"If you would do something for me before you go, put my number in your phone, just in case."

"Ok. Thank you again, Carlisle."

"You're welcome, Jade. Sleep well. I'll talk to you soon."

"Bye, Carlisle."
Carlisle hung up and I got up to give dad back his phone. I picked up my phone on the way out, putting in Carlisle's number. I went downstairs and put the phone on the table, not seeing dad at the moment.
I walked back upstairs and crawled back in bed, pulling covers over me. I felt a fluff ball curl up against my back. I fell asleep within seconds, my thoughts on the blonde-haired doctor.

(Sorry its been awhile since I updated. Don't really have a reason on why I haven't updated. Just haven't. Wanna thank all of you that have put comments and that have voted. Don't know when I'll update next, but ideas are welcome. I change my mind a lot on what I want to put in the book. Thx and sorry again.)

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