Chapter 8: Finding out

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Not much had changed between Carlisle and I in the past three days, except whenever he saw me, he would hug me. He would kiss me if I was comfortable with it, which I was slowly getting use to him kissing me. My nightmares still haunted me, but the panic attacks haven't happened again and I was thankful for that. Charlie was suspicious of something going on between Carlisle and I, but he hasn't caught on yet. I woke up from a nightmare, shooting up in my bed. 

"Jade, shh. It's all right." Carlisle had admitted the day after we first kissed that he watched over me at night which I found extremely creepy, but he was really protective so I didn't say anything against it. I felt his hands take mine and he sat beside me on the bed. I breathed in and out, trying to slow my heartbeat. Carlisle's thumbs rubbed the back of my hands in circles. I leaned my head against his chest and inhaled his scent. He placed a hand on the back of my head and held me to him. I pulled away once I calmed down and pressed my lips briefly to his cheek. 

"Thank you." I laid back down and Carlisle covered me back up with my blankets. 

"No one will touch when I'm here." I heard him say right before I slipped back into the clutches of sleep.


I felt a cold hand on my cheek before it left and I heard my window shut. I smiled knowing Carlisle just left. I heard a knock on my door and got up to open the door. Dad had his uniform on and his hand raised to knock again. 

"Hey, dad." 

"Hey, I'm about to leave. You and Bella be careful, all right? That animal that attacked Waylon is still out there." 

"We'll be careful." He left and I shut the door, sighing. I went to my dresser and pulled open the drawer with the knives. I grabbed a dirty towel from the hamper and held it under my arm. I drew the knife across the underside of my right arm. I got in three cuts before, 

"What are you doing?" Apparently, Carlisle had changed and had come back to see me before he went to work. I knew he was fast, but not that fast. I shut my eyes and turned around, the knife hid in the towel that was now wrapped around my arm. I kept my right arm behind me and gazed into Carlisle's eyes. He looked shocked and slightly horrified. 

"It's nothing, Carlisle. Can I get dressed?" Carlisle walked towards me, his gaze hardening into slight anger. I was actually getting a little scared of him. 

"Give me your arm." 


"Jade, give me your arm. I saw enough to piece it together. Don't think me a fool, love."

I turned my head and moved my right arm so it was in his view. He took it carefully in his hands and unwrapped the towel. The knife dropped to the floor and blood ran from the cuts. 

"Jade...." I saw his eyes darken momentarily before he wrapped my arm back up. He picked me up bridal style and climbed out of my room. He ran off into the woods. 

"Where are you taking me, Carlisle?" 

"My house." It was a few more minutes before he finally stopped in front of a house that was mostly giant windows. Carlisle carried me inside, up some stairs, and into a room. The room looked a little like his office at the hospital. He set me down on the desk and turned to get something. 

"Keep pressure on those." His voice was stern and I didn't really like it. I was used to doing this. I don't know why he was reacting like this. I put my hand on the towel to stanch the flow of blood. Carlisle took a few more minutes before coming back over to me. He set down a bowl, white gauze, and needle and thread. He took the towel and unwrapped it from my arm. He wiped away the blood and stopped the bleeding as much as he could.

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