Chapter Thirteen: Baseball

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At the end of the next week, Carlisle said they would be playing baseball as a thunderstorm would be coming in. It was the only time they could play and they all wanted me to come and watch. Bella was invited too. I tried to imagine us playing baseball, at all and then especially against vampires, and ended up laughing so much I fell out of bed. Edward was to be taking Bella and I to the clearing that they would be playing at.

I got up and got dressed, exiting my room as I pulled up my hair. The sapphire necklace swung gently from it's place around my neck. I only took it off when I slept or showered.

"Bella, you ready?" I asked, knocking on her door. "Almost. Edward is on his way." I waited downstairs for my younger twin and dad was sat cleaning his shotgun at the table in the kitchen.

"Be nice now, dad, when meeting Edward. He is special to Bells," I said, sitting beside him.

"Sure super nice," he said, making a halo around his head with a finger. He then stopped and looked at me. Or rather at the necklace

"Who gave you the necklace? Not some boy, right?"

"No, dad. Alice gave it to me."

"Now that one I like."

I chuckled softly and heard Bella coming down the stairs. As she hit the landing, a knock rang out from the front door and she answered it. Her and Edward came into the kitchen and Edward introduced himself.

"I'm Edward Cullen. Bella and Jade are gonna be playing baseball with my family."

"These two? Play baseball? Good luck with that," dad said flipping the gun closed.

"They won't be out too late," Edward said. 

We left the house and got into the jeep. The ride itself was not too long, but it was good that Edward had picked the jeep or else we would have never made it to the clearing. The Cullen's were setting up the field, placing the mats and painting the lines to each one. As we climbed out of the jeep, Edward placed an arm around Bella and led her to the field. Jasper and Rosalie were placing hands on a bat to see who went first. A whoosh sounded next to me and I was picked up by Emmett. I squeaked and pushed the giant to let me down. Surprisingly, he grunted and was forced back a couple steps as he dropped me. Alice caught me before I hit the ground and helped me right myself.

"Did she see?" I murmured to Alice while nodding my head to Bella. My sister didn't know yet of my difference and for the moment, I planned on keeping it that way. 

"No, she didn't. And you should tell her. She won't be too mad about it. Just upset that you kept it from her," Alice said quietly. I shook my head and headed for Jasper and Rosalie who had finished seeing who would bat first. Carlisle stood to the side of them, shaking his head and laughing at the light-hearted quarreling of the two.

"Hello, sweetheart," Carlisle said, drawing me into a hug. He placed a kiss to my head as I hugged him back before letting go. Bella looked at us and I blushed as she smiled. Carlisle chuckled and laced our fingers together. 

"It's time," Alice said as she took her position as pitcher. "You are our umpires. Call 'em as you see 'em," Carlisle said, as he took position as catcher. Rosalie batted first and as she hit the ball, it sounded as if thunder had cracked. 

"Okay. Now I see why you need the thunder," Bella said. Rosalie rounded third as the ball came flying back to home base. Rosalie slid in just as Carlisle caught it.

"In." "Out." Bella and I contradicted each other. My eyes had caught the subtlest of movement but Rosalie had been in before the ball connected with her leg. Rosalie glared at Bella and I moved in front of her.

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