Chapter Seven: I like a Vampire?!

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After Dad gave both Bella and I pepper spray, he hugged me. I was calmed down after Alice and Carlisle helped me. Dad unlocked the door to the house and let me and Bella go first. Bella headed upstairs while I went to the kitchen to get the medicine Carlisle told me to take. I got two pills and then headed upstairs with a glass of water. 

"Jade, come here." Bella popped her head out of her room and grabbed my arm. 

"All right, what's up? I need to sleep." She made me sit on her bed and put the book we got from the bookstore in my lap. She pointed to a paragraph titled 'The Cold Ones'. 

"Bella, what is this?" "Just read it. Please." I sighed, but started reading. The paragraph said the Cold Ones were vampires. They had ice cold skin, red eyes, and were incredibly fast and strong. 

"What are you thinking, Bells?" 

"I think the Cullen's are vampires." I started laughing and Bella stared at me. 

"Vampires? Those are things of myth. They don't exist." 

"Just listen, the Cullen's are freezing cold when you touch them. They don't have red eyes, but they have eyes that no human has. They're really fast. I mean, when Edward saved me, he was all the way on the other side of the lot. When he pushed the car away, no human can do that." 

I thought about it and it did seem plausible, but vampires?! My brain couldn't wrap around it. Carlisle, Alice, and the others, vampires?! 

"How can you prove they are vampires, Bells? Are you gonna ask Edward?" 

"I was going to confront him tomorrow about it at school." I nodded and got up from her bed. 

"Let me know how that goes and if you are right, I got to figure out how to treat Alice and Carlisle. Good night, Bells." I went to my room, took the pills and set the water on my night stand. I put my bag down by my dresser and opened one of the drawers, putting my beats in the drawer. I grabbed my pajamas and went to the bathroom. I turned on the water and waited for it to warm up before getting in, hoping to rid the feeling of the man's hands on me. I got out of the shower ten minutes later and got dressed in my pajamas. I headed back to my room and got into bed, pulling the cover over me. I felt Shadow behind and her head pressed against my back. I fell asleep, nightmares punishing me all night. 


I woke to paws up my nose and a cold wet nose on my cheek. 

"Shadow, what are you doing?" She meowed and purred, removing her paws from my nose. I yawned, rubbing my eyes. I picked up my phone and checked the time. I shot up in bed. It was almost ten. Then I remembered that Carlisle had said that I shouldn't go to school. 'Doctor's orders, gotta love 'em.' I looked at my phone again, seeing a missed call from Alice and a missed call and  text from Carlisle. I rolled my eyes and dialed Carlisle's number. It rang for a minute before he picked up. 


'Hey, Carlisle. I'm sorry I didn't answer you. I was sleeping.' 

'It's fine. I was just checking on you. Did you sleep last night?' 

'I tried to. I took the pills you told me to, but even medication can't stop nightmares.' 

' I'm sorry, Jade. I wish there was something I could do.' I smiled and shook my head. 

'It's not your fault, Carlisle. I just need to learn to live with this.' 

'I have a surgery coming up. I need to go. I'll talk to you later. Good-bye, Jade.' 

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