christmas 2013🎄🎅

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it was weeks after the whole kara issue and everything was slowly going back to normal and kara was turning back into her happy self. it was a few days after thanksgiving and lena was at kara's place and lena of course woke up first. kara woke to an empty bed but to the smell of pancakes and little laughs.

kara got out of bed with a smile on her face and walked to the kitchen. she crept up behind lena and wrapped her around her put a kiss on her forehead and lay her head on lena's shoulder.

"good morning baby"kara said with a smile

"good morning kar"lena replied with a little laugh. kara walked over to lexie in her high chair and pulled her out

"good morning my little itty bittt tiny baby" kara said as she put lexie on her hip after giving her a kiss

"what's got you in such a good mood" lena said flipping a pancake

"i was thinking we should go christmas tree shopping" kara said

"it's still november kar" lena said putting all the pancakes onto a plate

"soooo i was also thinking that we should have a joined christmas with maggie and alex and winn and it will be so much fun"kara said very enthusiastically

"that would be lovely"lena said with a smile

"okay okay i'm gonna call them"kara said putting lexie back into the high chair

A- kara what the hell its 7 in the morning
K- i know i know it's time for you to wake up anyway. anyways i was thinking that this year we can all have a conjoined christmas at my place. me, you, lena, maggie, winn, and lexie. please please please it'll be so much fun
A- okay okay fine. i'll talk to maggie about it now let me go to sleep. i love you and goodnight
K- love you too byee

kara then called winn

W- dude it is 7:15 in the morning what can i help with you
K- i was thinking that me, you, maggie, alex, lena and lexie could all have christmas at my place it'll be so much fun please please please
W- okay okay no need to beg. i'll talk to you later bye kar
K- bye winn!

kara went back to the kitchen to lena and lexie was falling asleep in the high chair.

"soooo christmas tree shopping?" kara asked with a pout

"fine" lena said turning around to give kara a kiss

they ate got themselves ready and got lexie ready for the day as well. by the time they had eaten, gotten showers, and gotten everyone ready it was around 10

*group chat with kara, winn, lena, mags, alex

K- heyyy we are going tree shopping in like an hour if any of y'all wanna come :)
M- sounds like fun, sure me and al will go
A- hey i never said that what if i don't wanna go
M- then don't go..
A- as if i trust you and kara to do anything
K- 🙄
K- plus lenas going anyway
A- hm i actually trust her but i'll still go ig
W-ooo i'll go. but don't you have guy friends so i'm not the only guy
K- ooo what about jonn he's always been like a dad to me and alex since.. you know
*kara added jonn to the group chat
K- hey jonnnn
J- good morning everyone
everyone says hey*
K- sooo we are all having a big christmas at my place so we wanted to see if you wanted to come and to see if you wanted to go christmas shopping with us today in like 30 minutes :)
J- sure to the christmas thing but no to tree shopping it's boring😗
K- good enough

*30 minutes later and everyones at the christmas tree shopping place thingy

everyone walks into the place where all the christmas tress are with lexie on karas hip lena on the right side of her alex on the left maggie next alex and winn next to maggie.

"well this should be fun" alex said sarcastically

"no one forced you to come you know" maggie said elbowing alex

"yeah yeah" alex said walking in front of everyone

*15 minutes later

"ooo ooo what about this tree" kara said with a big smile

"yeah i like it" they all said. alex and maggie ended up carrying the tree considering everyone else was weak

they got the tree and went back to karas place to decorate it. they all decided to invite sam and ruby to christmas as well

it was christmas eve the presents were under the tree and everyone was sitting at the fireplace drinking hot coco

"so do we get to open a present since it's christmas eve" ruby and mary asked

"i mean yeah that's how it goes, go and pick one present that has your name on it and you can open it tonight"

they all opened one gift ruby got a new phone, lexie got a new doll set, mary got a new ipad, and all the adults got adulty stuff. the kids all slept in lexie's room, maggie and alex took the guest room, jonn and winn  slept on the floor in the living room, and sam and alia slept on the couch (we're gonna pretend it's big enough for the both of them).

*the next morning

"mommy mommy mommy wake upppp wake upppp it's christmas come onnnn"ruby said jumping on the couch

"chwesmis"lexie said to kara and lena

"yes baby it's christmas"kara said picking lexie up

"pwesents"lexie said

"coffee first" lena said with a smile

after everyone woke up and the adults had coffee they started to open gifts

the kids got some new toys and a few electronics kara got a new laptop, alex and sam got new bikes, maggie got a new gun, jonn got a new world best dad mug, winn got a new laptop and aila got some new makeup (supergirl never really gave her a plot so i didn't know what to say for her and i didn't know what to do for jonn either if it wasn't obvious💀). they all had a good christmas and the day after christmas everyone went home and kara and lena cleaned up the apartment and went to sleep as lexie was taking a nap

4* days after the 27th

it was new year's eve and all the adults had a glass of champagne and the kids had sparkling cider. the eh all made small talk while the they were watching the ball live from new york they were talking about actually going but no one felt like actually doing it so they didn't

"3....2....1....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" they all yelled and took a sip of champagne and then the kisses began

kara kissed lena, maggie kissed alex, and winn kissed aila

"to being single" sam said and clinked her glad with jonn

it's probably 2021 by the time i publish this so it's really late but i'm writing this on christmas so merry late christmas and happy late new year also i'm sorry it's like 3 am and i'm doing schoolwork because it's wednesday so i have school tmr or basically today either way i'm sorry i don't really know what to write for this thing i just needed a story to go in between the latest chapter and the chapter after this one. anyways i hope you all have a wonderful night💕

haha i totally forgot i wrote this so i'm publishing this now without editing it if you see any mistakes literallly just correct them yourself and then i'll correct them fr👍

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