hell and high waters

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⚠️💔TWW: EATING DISORDER (kinda not really just trying to lose weight and starving) SELF HARM, ATTEMPTED SUICIDE⚠️💔

*2 months later and maggie and alex got divorced*

kara knocked on alex's door and there was no answer kara assumed she was sleep so she used her key just to make sure she was okay. when kara walked into to alex's apartment and walked to her room she wasn't there so she walked to the bathroom and opened the door and saw alex lying there in puddle of her own blood all kara could do was scream and cry. after a minute she checked alex's pulse it was weak but steady she called the police then called lena. Lena arrived at the same time the police did and the door was already wide open from when kara came. lena and the medics came to the bathroom to see alex unconscious in karas arms. the paramedics took alex from kara put her on a gurney and took her to the hospital

"what happened"lena asked when it was just her and kara. kara pulled out the blood covered razor alex had used and lifted it up so lena could see

"she tried to kill herself." lena gave kara a hug not caring that she was covered in blood and kara just cried. about 15 minutes later kara pulled from lena "we have to go to the hospital...i have to make sure alex is okay" kara and lena left to go to the hospital totally forgetting or just not caring that kara looked like she had either been murdered or she murdered someone else. when they got to the hospital the doctor took lena and kara to alex's room where she was still sleep and the doctor told kara to page a nurse to see how alex was doing kara and lena just waited there for alex to wake up when she finally woke up and as instructed kara paged a nurse a nurse came in asked a few questions but one stuck out

"so what happened"the nurse asked curiously alex looked at kara then lena then to the nurse

"nothing, it was an accident i was shaving and accidentally cut myself." alex tried to lie

"you can tell me the truth or i can page psych"and again alex looked at kara the nurse caught it and asked if both of them could step out of the room

"please don't tell her the truth let her think it was an accident i don't want to hurt her please and you don't need to page anyone i can come back another time and we can talk then but for right now please do not tell either one of them i can't do that to them especially kara."alex said speaking fast and tears forming in her eyes

"hey it's fine i won't tell her but by law if you tried to kill yourself i have to page psych."
*later when they were all home and lena had left so it was just kara and alex at karas apartment

"here start with this and then i'll try to talk you out of tequila"kara said as she sat down with some food alex looked at it but didn't eat anything

"bold move"alex replied

"are we okay." kara asked softly

"we are okay."alex sighed

"wanna tell me what going on."kara asked

"i just thought it would get easier. but it's not."


"you know i have.."alex started and reached in her back pocket to grab her phone
"i have two speed dials on this phone. it's you.. and maggie every day every single day i look at this and i wanna call her. and then i wanna delete her but i can't do either because i am scared and i am weak."alex said

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