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"hey kar you okay you look sick" lena asked

"yeah i'm fine here can you hold her i'm gonna go to the bathroom" kara gave lexie to lena and ran to the bathroom. lena was about to follow after kara but alex stopped her

"i got it"alex said grabbing lenas hand and running after kara. alex ran into the bathroom and saw kara leaning over a toilet and throwing up

"hey it's okay i got you" alex said grabbing the hair out of karas face and rubbing her back. after kara was done she put her head in alex's lap and started crying. kara always cried after throwing up and she never really knew why.

"hey what's wrong" alex asked playing with karas hair

kara opened her mouth leaned (?) over the toilet and threw up some more

"okay come on i'm taking you home"alex said and kara didn't argue. alex picked kara up bridal style. kara put her head on alex's shoulder but snuggling her neck. she got a little throw up on alex's shirt and neck and apologized. alex put kara in the backseat of the car and went out to find the crew

"hey kara isn't really feeling well, i think imma take her home" alex said once she reached everyone else

"is there throw up on your neck?" lena asked kinda worried. alex touched her neck and scrunched up her face at the feel of her sisters throw up on her neck

"i guess so, anyways i'm gonna take kara home and you guys have winn car have fun bye" alex said and walked away before anyone could say anything. they drove to alex's apartment and kara went straight to the bathroom. and of course alex ran right behind her and pulled the hair from karas face. they left the bathroom and kara went to sit on the couch cuddling with a blanket

"hey you have to eat something" alex said from the kitchen. kara just shook her head

"kar, there is absolutely nothing in your stomach you need fluids in your body at least drink some water and something light that won't irritate your stomach. kara didn't say anything. alex got a bottle of water some apple sauce and a spoon and walked over to kara

"open" alex said with a spoon of applesauce and kara did as told this went on for no more then 5 bites then kara didn't want to eat anymore

"tired?" alex asked and kara nodded her head

"you can sleep in the bed or you can sleep on the couch your choice"

"sleep with me?" kara asked softly

"sure, come on" alex said with a smile. they walked into alex's bedroom and kara lay her head on alex chest

"kar, your burning up" alex said feeling karas forehead. kara just shrugged her shoulders. alex sat up and moved karas head into her lap and called maggie

"hey danvers"
"who's holding lexie right now"
"uh i am why"
"okay something wrong with kara like really wrong with kara, she's constantly throwing up, her forehead is burning up, and she won't eat. i'm worried about her kara has never been sick she's never even had a cold before"
"okay do you want me to tell lena"
"yes? no? i don't know i just need you here you and lena but also call 911 please i need to call my mom"
"you got it"

alex hung up and looked at kara she was sweating she was very pale and her hair was all over the place. she looked up at alex with weak eyes

"it hurts"

"what hurts"

"my head. it's a headache but a really bad one and it hurts a lot"

"you're gonna be okay, helps on the way" alex said with tears in her eyes

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