i love you 3000

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*time skip to lexie's graduation

"alexandra danvers" her principal called out as lexie walked across the stage

"congratulations lexie" her principle said once lexie reached her

"thank you" lexie said with a smile

"anything you want to say" the principal asked

"um i just want to thank my mom for everything's she done for me. and my aunts for helping my mom raise me since i was 2. i couldn't have been here without you" lexie said into the mic she looked up with tears in her eyes "i did it mama" and lexie walked off the stage

*back at home

"wait lexie there's something your mom left you for when you graduated. you wanna watch it?"

"yeah sure"


"can you read me a story" lexie asked

"a story? once upon a time, the moon went to bed. the end"

"that is a horrible story"

"come on that's your favorite story. i love you tons" kara said placing a kiss on lexie's forehead

"i love you 3000"

"3000? that's crazy go to bed or i'll sell all your toys" kara said turning off the lights and going back to her room

present time*
"hey babe, i heard you graduated. i'm so so so proud of you. and you know maybe there's time. i'm hoping if you play this back it's in celebration i hope the family's together and i hope everyone's okay. i miss you guys. all of you. i know lex, and maggie, and ruby, and sam, and eliza, and winn, and everyone else helped your mom raise you and if your watching this with them, hi everyone i miss you all and thank you all so much for raising my little one. and lee you did amazing. i know i'm watching over you guys right now. this is probably the hardest thing i've ever had to do and i'm sorry that this happened. i never planned for it to be this way. but on a happier note please tell me you got a little cousin please please pleaseee. alex has been wanting a kid forever there's no way she doesnt have a kid now."

they all looked down at the little toddler in lexie's lap

"hey is that auntie kar !?" the little one asked looking up at lexie

"yeah kara she's how you got your name. that's my mommy." lexie said with tears in her eyes

"okay anyways, this is probably getting long so i'm gonna let you go because it's your graduation so you probably have a lot to do. but hey this isn't a goodbye my love, it's a thank you. for coming into my life and bringing me joy, thank you for letting me love you, and thank you for all the memories even if it was for only a short amount of time. everything's going to work out exactly the way it's supposed to. congratulations babygirl i'm so proud of you i love you 3000 babe."

by the end of karas video everyone was crying kara was in alex's lap and lexie was crying on lenas "i miss her" lexie said crying harder

"i do too baby" lena said rubbing circles on lexie's back

"thank you for everything" lexie said looking up at her mom

"it's always been my pleasure" lena said giving her lexie a hug

"thank you guys too" lexie said looking at all the adults in the room that practically raised her. they all gave a smile in return

"okay enough crying, you wanna go to the cheesecake factory ?" ruby said with a smirk

"um duh!" lexie said

"can i come ?" kara asked

"kara babe, let them have fun" alex said looking down at lexie

"oh....okay" kara said with a small pout

"how did you get your aunts pout? you can come if it's okay with you" ruby said looking at lexie

"sure thing" lexie said with a smile

"carry me?" kara asked holding our arms in the air

"come on kiddo" lexie said picking kara up and holding her on her waist as kara lay her head on lexie's shoulder

"can i use your car since it has a car seat?" ruby asked

"sure but get one dent in it and it's over" alex said throwing ruby the keys

"wouldn't dare think of it" ruby said

"be safe!" lena yelled

"always am!" lexie yelled back

i don't remember my graduation so i can't write this as an actual graduation plus i'm only in middle school so if i did remember it would be an elementary school gradation😭😭

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