just the beginning

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alex's pov*
i remember the first time my mom brought her home i remember holding her for the first time and looking down to see her beautiful ocean blue eyes and ever since the first time i held her in my arms i knew that no matter what she would always be my baby sister and i would always protect my baby girl. no matter what.

Kara's pov*
i walked to noonans hoping to get some potstickers for me and alex when i heard a gunshot. i immediately called alex and told her what was happening and i hid in a booth. i felt a sharp pain in my stomach, i had just jumped in front of a little girl who was about to get shot but i took the bullet for her a few in fact. I fell to the ground and all i heard over the phone was Alex screaming my name

"KARA! Kara answer me!"alex yelled through the phone as she ran to noonans because she only lived about a 2 minute walk a minute if she ran.

"You're going to be okay."alex said barging into the room and picking kara up bridal style and called the police
kara was rushed to the hospital falling in and out of consciousness.

when they got to the hospital alex never left karas side until the doctors said they had to take her into surgery to get the bullets removed

"ma'am this is as far as you can go"the doctor said

"no please i can't leave her alone....please."alex said tears streaming down her face

"ma'am we are going to do everything we can to help her but i can't do that if i'm here with you. go to the waiting room and someone will come out every now and then and tell you how she's doing."the doctor said and ran through the double doors before alex could say anything else.

Alex called Lena while kara was in surgery and a lena rushed over

"how is she"lena asked

"she's still um she's still in surgery."alex said with tears rolling down her face

"what happened." lena hadn't known anything all she knew was something happened to kara and she was badly hurt and in surgery

"it's all my fault. i should've gone with her. she was at my place and i was on the phone with maggie and kara said she was going to noonans to get potstickers and i told her i would go with her but she insisted that she go alone. a few minutes after she called me and said that there was a robber with a gun. i heard a gunshot then kara screamed and then the phone dropped. i should've gone with her it should've been me not her."Lena have Alex a comforting hug as alex broke down

"ma'am your sister is out of surgery you can see her now family only."the doctor said

"i'm her sister and this is her wife."alex said pointing to lena. she didn't know if girlfriend was enough so she just went with whatever came to mind

after kara is out of surgery*
about an hour after kara lena and alex are having small talk*

kara slowly closed her eyes and there was a flat line ring

"kara open you eyes cmon babe wake up we-we're here together a-a-and i know you better then anyone knows you. and i know you don't quit. so you can't go now KARA YOU CANT GO! please." alex whimpered "you can't go" alex said breaking down until they heard a slow but steady heart beat

Kara was breathing but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't talk or open her eyes.
"Alex, Alex what's happening?" Lena asked with worry in her voice already sobbing.

"She's okay, her hearts beating she just isn't awake." alex replied.

"Is she gonna be okay?"Lena asked scared not knowing if she wanted to know the answer.

"she's going to be fine"the doctor interrupted not wanting to scare lena even more

No one knew what was going to happen to Kara. Kara could hear them, she wanted to assure her "best-friend" and her sister that she was going to be okay, but every time she wanted to say something she couldn't.

Lena was a couple months pregnant no one knew not even kara. They kind of had a drunken one night stand. No one even knew Kara or Lena were gay. They didn't even know for themselves. But one thing Lena knew for sure was that Kara was the mother.


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