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alex woke up first which wasn't really a surprise and she looked down at kara and smiled bc she was sleeping so peacefully

"hey kar"alex whispered kara just turned her head

"babe you need to wake up." alex said

"no later"kara said groggily

"yeah okay you have a girlfriend and a child to get to"

"ughhh"kara whined. she wrapped her arms around alex and gave her the famous kara pout

"nope not gonna work i'll make you some pancakes if you let go of me though"and just like that kara let go

"goodmorning" alex said with a laugh and giving kara a kiss on the forehead

"mhm yeah pancakes"kara said while pointing to the kitchen. as alex was getting up there was a knock at the door. alex looked back at kara and kara just shrugged. she looked through the peephole and let out a breath

"it's just lena"alex said as she opened the door
"hey lena"alex said as she gave lena a hug and she reached out to lenas side to a little mini her. lexie reached her arms out towards alex and alex looked at lena and lena nodded

"i need a break from this missy"lena said with a slight laugh. she walked over to kara who was obviously in a pout

"what are you upset abt this time"lena asked walking over to kara, kara just pouted some more and turned so her back was to the both of them. lena turned around to face alex hoping to get a answer out of her

"she's upset cause i told her i would make her pancakes"

"oh well i can make them"lena offered

"no no it's fine here take lexie and i'll make both of you guys some pancakes" alex said walking over to lena and handing her back her child and walking over to make some pancakes. after alex made pancakes for kara and lena she and lexie were cuddled on the couch watching a movie as kara and lena were eating and making small talk with each other.

"well we should really get going"lena said getting up to put her dishes and karas dishes in the sink

"are you guys in a rush"alex asked with lexie half asleep in her arms

"not at all but little miss needs a bottle and a nap"lena said pointing to lexie with a slight laugh

"right"alex said. lena walked over to where alex and lexie were and bent down to where lexie's head was at

"hey babe you ready to go"lena said softly putting a hand on lexie's head. lexie looked at her mom and turned her head so she was facing the back of the couch

"hey aren't you hungry"alex said rubbing lexie's head and rubbing her back

"okay come on lexie" lena said trying to grab lexie. lexie let out a blood crying scream and held on to alex while throwing a whole fit

okay so i was writing this it made it seem like lena is abusive towards lexie but SHE IS NOT she just likes alex ig😭but yea no one is abusive except one person but we will get on to that later..🤫

"alexandra elizabeth"lena said with a not so friendly voice

"lena it's fine she can stay with me there's formula in the cabinet and she can sleep in the nursery you and kara can go hangout me and my little mini will be okay."alex said while trying to calm lexie down considering she was still crying.

"thank you alex"

"don't mention it" and like that kara and lena were out the door on their way to lunch even tho just ate. kara and lena went to noonans. back at home alex had gotten lexie a bottle and was rocking her to sleep. lena and kara were at noonans having a blast until kara got a call

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