mommys not coming home

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alex and maggie heard lexie stir in her  room and maggie had been dreading telling lexie. how do you tell a nearly three year old their mom isn't coming home

"hey lee, i think it's time tell lexie. if you need us we'll be in her room" maggie said to lena

"thank you. for everything"

"it's what i do" maggie walked out of lenas and room and stood in front of lexie's for a moment

"ready?" alex asked

"not really"

"let's do this" they walked in and sat on the floor next to lexie's bed. Alex left cuz she couldn't handle it so it was as a sleeping lexie and a worried and scared Maggie.

"hi baby, i think it's time to get up" maggie cooed. lexie always took a liking to maggie

"maggie?" lexie asked with a baby voice her eyes immediately shooting into maggie's as she climbed into maggie's lap

"yeah babe. um we have to talk about mommy" maggie said rubbing circles on lexie's back as she was sitting in maggie's lap

"i miss her where is she?"

"i know you miss her baby i do too but um mommy got really sick. and sometimes when people get sick they have to go to the hospital and when that happens the doctors do everything they can to help that person. and that's what happened with mommy except they couldn't help your mommy because they didn't know of a safe way to do it"

"oh. so when is she coming home"

"she's not coming home babe"

"oh den can i send her a get well soon card at the hofital"

"lexie baby, mommy's gone she isn't coming home because she's not on this earth anymore. she's where ever you and your mama believe in. and one day you're gonna be able to see your mommy again it just won't be for a very long time." maggie said in the most comforting  way

"s-she's gone?"

"yes baby" lexie started sobbing into maggie's chest as maggie just soothed her

sorry this is a short chapter i didn't know what else to do :) but yeah

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