chp 1

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     Italy woke up around 6:30 that morning and couldn't go back to sleep, so she put on a robe over her nightgown and walked downstairs, humming a song America had shown her, a tear in the corner of her eye. She walked into the kitchen and saw Germany sitting at the table, a cup of coffee in one hand and the newspaper in the other. 

     He looked up at her and blinked in surprise to see her up this early. "Good morning Italy. Did joo sleep vell?" She quickly wiped away the tear in her eye and smiled "Ya, I got-a hungry and woke up earlier than I-a usually do though." He nodded, still a little worried that something was wrong with the small country. 

     "Vell, since zere is no training today, I vas goink to show joo zese flowers I found. I know how joo like to paint und such, und I saw some vite carnations in ze park and sought joo vould like zem." Italy looked at him. "Ya, I would-a like that." She smiled and went upstairs to get her easel and paint. She opened up her closet and started pulling out boxes, looking for her paints. She opened one and stopped. Inside was the gift Holy Rome had given her when he left. 

     It was a book, and inside were different flowers he had pressed. She relized as soon as she saw it for the first time that it was the book he had always carried with him. She had run outside and given him her push broom so he would remember her.

     She looked away and closed the box before she started sobbing. She found the paints on a shelf near the back, grabbed her smock, her easel and stand, and walked out, leaving the box on her bed. 

     A little while later she was in the park, painting the beautiful Carnations that had just opened. She was smiling to herself, slowly and steadily bringing the blank easel to life with different shades of white, pink and yellow, all soft shades, blending together perfectly. Germany was sitting on a park bench reading a book, watching Italy's skilled hands painting a master piece.

   Passing couples stopped and watched the skilled Italian painting. A little child pulled on his mothers sleeve pointing to her "Schauen Sie Mamma! Sie ist wirklich gut! Kann ich ihr einen Euro?" (look mom! She's really good! Can I give her an euro?) The woman smiled at her son and pulled one out of her pocket. He smiled and walked towards her.

     Italy had the paintbrush tip near her cheek, trying to figure out how to get the reflection of the sun on the white petals just right. The little boy walked over and tugged on her sleeve. Italy jumped, smearing paint on her face, she looked over to the boy. "Oh! Hello-a there!" The boy looked at her and held out the Euro. "For you." He said in English and smiled at her. She looked at him and smiled then patted his head. "No. You keep it. I don't-a need it." The boy looked at her in confusion. Germany closed his book and walked over, squatting down so he was eye level with the boy.

     "Sie sagte, sie will es nicht. Sie halten es. Sie mag nicht die Menschen, um sie für ihre Arbeit bezahlen, wie sie es tut vor Freude. Der beste Weg, ihr zu danken kann, ist, ihr zu sagen, hart zu arbeiten." (She said she doesn't want it. You keep it. She does not like people to pay her for her work, as she does it for joy. The best way you can thank her is to tell her to work hard.) The boy nodded and looked at Italy, a smile on his face. "Work hard." He said and gave her a small hug. He pulled back and ran to his mom, turned around and waved, the ran back.

     Germany turned towards Italy and saw her crying. He blinked. "A-are joo OK Italy?" Italy looked at him and wiped her eyes. "I-I'm-a sorry. I-I don't-a know why I'm-a crying-" she held back a sob and covered her mouth with her fist. "I-I'm-a going back t-to the house." She stood up turned and ran towards the house. Germany looked at her in shock and ran after her, leaving the half finished painting on the side of the path.

     A single drop of water fell from a leaf above the easel and landed, racing down the paper like a tear drop.


     Why am I running? I didn't know him. He was just a little boy, but, he looked like him. He had the same look on his face that Holy Rome did whenever he left to go to town with Mister Austria. She ran through the streets, back towards Germany's house, tears running down her face. 

      As soon as she got in the house she ran to her room and shut the door, leaning against it she slid to the floor, crossing her arms over her chest and grabbing hold of the fabric of her shirt. She pulled her legs up and placed her head on her knees. Sobs wracked her body as she remembered all the moments she had shared with Holy Rome. 

   All the times they had played in the woods near Austria's house, playing in the creek, teaching him to paint, making dinner with Hungary, singing for him while she swept the kitchen, and their parting. That memory hurt the most. The sadness in his eyes as he waved goodbye, the pain her heart felt, but all the days after were worse.

     She couldn't see a hydrangea without getting tears in her eyes, that's Holy Rome's favorite flower, she would think. She stayed in her room for days, crying. When she did finally come out it took her years to get back to her normal self.

     She heard a knock on the door and jumped. "Italy? Are joo OK?" She stood up and opened the door, tears in her eyes. She saw Germany standing there, worry and fear in his eyes. "Are joo OK?" "Not really." She tried to smile but instead ended up making a choking sobbing sound, "C-can I go to-a Austria and Hungary's?" He looked down at Italy, tears running down her face, she was trembling and he was sure that going to visit Hungary would make her feel better. "Ja, I vill drive joo. Do joo need to pack anysing?" She turned back to her bed and looked at the box. "Only a few things." 

     She grabbed a small light green duffle bag and put the box in the bag gently. She threw in a few night gowns, a robe, and some day dresses. Lastly she grabbed Holy Romes book and put it in the bag. She zipped it up and put the strap over her shoulder. She walked out the door and past Germany headed for the door. 

     Germany looked after her and sighed. I hope seeing Hungary again vill raise her spirits. He grabbed his keys and followed after her. 

     When they arrived at Austria's house Italy got out of the car. "Thanks-a Germany." He looked at her. "Joor velcome." He watched Italy walk up to the door, when he saw it open he waved at her and Hungary and drove off.

     As soon as Germany left Italy turned towards Hungary. "Hi Italy. This is unexpected. What is-" She stopped as she saw that Italy's eyes were filled with tears, just about to overflow. She instantly knew why and she wrapped Italy in her arms. Italy started sobbing harder then she had that morning and wrapped her arms around Hungary and grabbed the cloth on the back of her shirt, sobbing into her shoulder.

     "Shh, it's ok. Let's go inside and we can talk, OK?" Italy nodded and followed Hungary inside the warm house, but she felt cold and empty.


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