chp 6

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     It had been two weeks since the last world meeting. Germany wanted to call Italy, but wasn't sure if she would be up to talking. He could tell that she was forcing herself to be happy when she called during the meeting, even if no one else could. He sighed and ran a hand through his slightly mused hair. He had been working in the garden all day trying to releive his stress over Italy.

     He walked over to his patch of begonias and held the house over them, making sure to water everywhere somewhat evenly. Italy's cat, Poky, walked over and sat on the fence boardering Germany's yard. Germany looked at the cat and smiled. "Hello zere Poky, vat brings joo over here? Joo usually never come near ze begonias." The cat yawned and clawed at the sides of the fence post.

     "Und I don't uaually talk to cats." He sighed and scratched the back of his neck. He turned off the hose and wrapped it up, putting it back at the side of his house. He walked inside and heard the phone ring. He picked it up on the fifth ring. "Gutan taug. Zis is Germany." He heard a clap on the other end of the line. "Ve~! Germany! I thought you weren't-a going to answer! But-a you did!" He blinked and smiled at how Italy sounded happy, not as happy as before she left, but happier then the last time he talked to her.

     "Sorry, I vas out in ze garden und I vas kind of far avay from ze phone,so how are jo doink?" I heard Italy give a small laugh and smiled, knowing that she was getting better. "I'm-a doing good! I feel a lot better then-a the last time I saw you." Germany walked through his house, headed for the kitchen the cordless phone cradled between his shoulder and ear as he tried to get Poky off of the bookshelf. "I'm glad to hear zat. Poky! Off of ze book shelf! You've knocked it over five time zis veek allveady." Italy giggled. "HI POKY!!" She yelled, right in Germany's ear. "GAHH!" He dropped the phone in surprise.

     " joo sink joo could not yell in mien ear?"Italy gave a small laugh. "oops! I'm-a sorry Germany!" Germany chated for another 20 minutes before she had to hangup to take her 3 pm seiesta. He hung up and sighed. "I hope zat she vill be OK vonce she finds out about zat Holy Rome guy." At the mention of his name Germany's head throbbed and he put his fingers to his temples. "I sink mein headache is returning." 

     He walked up stairs and past Prussia's room. The door was closed and the lights off as Prussia was out drinking with Francis and Antonio. He hoped they weren't bugging some poor woman right about now. He glanced at the door and shook hi head. "Vat's in zat bokk is none on mein business. It is mein bruders und not mein." He continued walking but looked back, curiosity nawing at him.

     "Nein! Curiosity killed ze cat. It's not mein business." Yet he was still walking towards Prussia's room. 'Come on! He's not home, so vone peek von't hurt him, if he has somesing to hide, joo should know vat it is.' One part of his mind told him sounding obbnoxiously like Prussia. "Vell, vone peek vouldn't kill anyvone..." He poened Prussia's door and stepped inside, turning on the light.

     He walked over to the bed, kneeled down, and looked under. There was the box, right where Prussia had left it. He pulled it out and sat on the edge of Prussia's bed. He put the box on his lap and pulle doff the lid, then placed it on the box next to him. Inside were pictures of a younger him and Prussia. He remembered when all of these photos were taken and placed the on the bed. Underneath all the pictures was an old black hand. It was a somewhat...pirate shaped hat? That's what it reminded him of at least. It had gold lining on top and a gold button on the side.

     As he turned it this way and that another shot of pain went through his head. He hissed as he put his palm to his temple. He put the hat down and looked in the box again. He saw a folded up black cape, a white ascot, and a black kind of old dress robe, such as the kind Prussia used to wear way back when. He looked at the clothes and ran his fingers over them. They looked failiar to him he didn't know why, he had never worn clothes like these.

      He looked down at the box again and saw Prussia and a young country with startling deep blue eyes and sleeked back golden-rod yellow colored hair, wearing the clothes Germany had found in the box. He wasn't smiling and Prussia had his arm around his shoulder, laughing like the idiot he is. There was also the end of what looked to be a push broom, it was only the brush part, the rest was missing. Another shot went through Germany's head and he put both hands on the side of his head, trying to get the headache to go away.

     He heard obnoxsious laughing and looked up to see Prussia standing in the door way. "I vas hopink joo vould look at it. Do joo remember anysing?" German ylooked at him confused. "Vat on ers are joo talkink about bruder?" Prussia sighed and wlaked over, sitting on the other side of Germany then where the lid to the box was. 

      He pulled out the pictuer. "This is the Holy Roman Empire. The boy Italy was, IS, in love with. He was, well, IS mein little bruder." He looked over at Germany who had a pained expression on his face. "Don't fight ze pain. It'll help joo if joo don't fight it, just let it be." Germany looked at him confused but pulled his hands away from his head. Prussia looked back at the picture. "Like Hunagary said, he lived vis her, Italy, und Austria. He also lived vis me for a little vile. He vas pretty strong and had control of Italy for awhile, that's ven Italy lived vis him. Eventually he left to get more territory, but he got attaked many many times. France vas ze vone to deal ze final blow.

     "I found him lying in a pool of his own blood on a battle feild in France. He had lost all of hi memories und didn't know his own name. He just kept asking if ze red string vasa still zree. I didn't know vat he vas talking about, but I told him yes, hoping to calm him. I brought him home vis me und raised him as mein bruder. His hair became lighter und his eyes became an icy blue."

     Germany looked at him and his eyes cleared, just a bit. "Zat' Isn't it?" Prussia smilied and patted his shoulder. "Ja, it is. France didn't relize zat joo vere, und are, Holy Rome. Of course, now joo are Germany.  No one knows, alzough I sink Antonio had an inkling at first, I'm not sure if he still sinks so zough. You need to remember everysing about joor past first, before joo go und tell Italy zat joo are Holy Rome." 

     Germany nodded and stood up. "I'm goink to go und garden und sink zis over." He walked out of the room and Prussia looked after him. He looked up at gilbird who was on the headboard of hi bed. "Vell, at least now he knows. I hope he vill rember soon. Until zen, I can only hope zat ze she-male und ze aristocat don't tell Italy zat Holy Rome died in battle. I don't sink her liitle heart could handle zat kind of pain. Vat do joo sink Gildird?" 

     The bird looked at him and chirped. "Me to." Prussia smiled and placed everything back in the box, then put it under the bed. He turned off the light and walked out of the room, shuting the door behind him

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