chp 10

924 28 4

     Germany ran up the forest path he traveled many times in his past. The branches whipped at his face and cut his arms, but he didn't care. Italy was alone and hurting, and he had to help her. He ran past the river they had played at so many times as children and wondered if Italy was thinking of all the good times they had together, or if she was thinking about how they told her he would never come back. 'I'm coming Italy, please be ok.'  He continued running despite the trees that seemed to be leaping out at him.

     He rounded a corner and nearly tripped over a large rock, but instead was epic and cleared it in one leap. He ran faster, and when he came over a rise in the path he stopped. Sitting in front of him at the very edge of the cliff was Italy. She was hunched over and had a black cloak, his cloak he noted, wrapped around her shoulders. His voice caught in his throat, afraid to speak incase the sudden noise made her shatter. He took a slow step forward.

     "I-Italy...? Italy, are you OK?" He took another step forward and stopped, she didn't seem to have heard her. He opened his mouth to call out to her again when she jumped, as if she had just heard him. She turned around slowly and he felt his heart catch in his throat. The empty broken look in her eyes hurt him more then any physical wound could. She looked at him and tilted her head as if she didn't recognize him "I-Italy, it's me, Germany, you're allie. I've come to take you back home."

     Italy still looked at him without regognition. He sighed and took a step towards her. "Italy," he held out his hand towards her and smilied smally, "let's go home meine Leibe." Italy's eyes slowly started to gain regognition. "G-Germany?" He nodded "Let's go home Leibe." She slowly nodded and started to rise to her feet, when suddenly she was gone. "ITALY!!!!" Germany ran over to the edge of the cliff and looked down to see her poking her head out the water, a look of absolute confusion on her face.

     He couldn't help but chuckle a little. "Italy!! Are you OK!?" He shouted down to her, wanting to make sure she could hear him. She looked towards him and raised a thumbs up, then started swimming for the far shore. "Vell, it vill be faster zen valking srough ze voods all ze vay down und to ze ozer side of ze forest. He stood from his crouching position and jumped off the cliff, diving into the water after Italy.

     He rose out of the water and looked around for Italy, he noticed his old hat a bit in front of him. He swam over and grabbed it, guessing that Italy lost her grip on it when she fell into the water. He looked around for Italy but didn't see her. 'Did she alveady make it to shore?' He looked all around the shore line but didn't see her. What he did see made his stomach bubble with worry, a few yards from the shore his black cape that Italy had been wearing was floating on top of the water, with no Italy to be seen. He swam over to it and looked around when he felt something soft touch the bottom of his foot. 

     He dove under and opened his eyes, and saw Italy struggling in some water plants, and from the look in her eyes she was close to passing out. He rose to the surface, took a deep breath, and dove under again. He swam to Italy and grasped her face in both of her hands. He pulled her forward and placed his lips on hers. He pulled back and smiled smally at her, he didn't count it as a kiss as he had only been giving her air.

     He swam down farther and pulled out his swiss army knife he had gotten for a present from (guess who!) Switzerland. He cut off the plants from around her ankles and waist and the wrapped his arm around her, he kicked his way to the surface when they broke through Italy took deep raged breaths, and started coughing. He held her in his arms and started swimming towards shore. Italy had grabbed the hat and cloak from where they had been floating and held them in her arms. 

     Germany looked down at her. "Are joo alvight?" She nodded slowly, her eyes seemed to have gained a bit of their usual light. He smiled and felt his foot touch the lake bed, he stood up and shifted Italy so he was caring her bridal style in his arms. She looked up at him and slowly placed the hat on his head and the cloak around his shoulders. She smiled and snuggled into his chest. "I've missed you." He leaned down and kissed her on top of her head. "Ich habe dich vermisst sowie, meine leibe" He walked towards the shore smiling.

To Save a Life(HRE x Chibitalia story)[Under Construction]Where stories live. Discover now