chp 3

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     The next morning Italy didn't come out of her room; Hungary hadn't expected her to and left her breakfast outside the door. "Italy, here's your breakfast. It's outside the door." She heard Italy sniff from inside the room and her heart went out to the little country.

       She knew how Holy Rome had felt about Italy and how Italy felt about him. She remembered how sad Italy had been the day Holy Rome left. It had taken her months to smile again, and years for the smile to reach her eyes. She had known that eventually Italy would go through it again, she had just hoped it wouldn't hurt Italy this much. She wiped a tear from her eye knowing the only thing that could help Italy was time.


     Italy sat on the bed, crying quietly. I need to stop! I need to be strong, I can't let this get me down! One part of her mind told her, But you love him, you know you do, you can't forget about him! It wouldn't be right. She buried her head in her hands as quiet sobs racked her body.

     She looked at the book sitting next to her. She opened it up and  flipped to the first page. Everything was written in Latin so she couldn't understand it, but looking at his writing made her feel better, yet it also broke her heart. 

     She got to the first flower he had pressed for her, a lilac. She lifted it gingerly in her fingers and inhaled the fragrance. She remembered the day that Holy Rome had given her a bouquet of the light purple flowers.

     As she continued flipping through it the tears flowed harder and faster, but quietly.

     She remembered the many days that she spent in the garden with Holy Rome. How he would pick a flower and put it in his book every now-and-then. She had always wondered why, know she knew. 

     She continued flipping through it when she noticed some words in English.

     Italy, if you're reading this it means that you didn't join me in my quest for greatness as an empire. I promise that I will come back for you one day. I won't let anyone defeat me. There was a pink Tulip on this page.

     I promise that I will always remember you. You have a special place in my heart that no one will ever be able to take. This page had a yellow tulip and a violet one.

     If I don't come back, well, if I don't come back, it's OK if you find someone new. I won't mind. I want you to be happy. I'll always be thinking of you, no matter where you are. This time it was a red tulip.

     Her heart clenched and she felt her eyes overflow as her vision went blurry. She was sobbing loudly now, clutching the book to her heart. 

     She continued looking through the book, looking for another message to her. In the very back was one last flower, a forget-me-not.

     She cried for hours until her throat hurt. When she was finished it was 4 in the afternoon. Her voice was hoarse, her eyes blood-shot, and no more tears would come. She had stopped shaking and hiccuping.

     She walked into the bathroom and undressed. She turned on the water and stepped into the shower, not caring that it was freezing. She slid down the wall and hugged her legs close to her chest. "I miss you..." she whispered.

     She sat there not really looking at anything, not really thinking of anything, until she noticed that she was pruning. She got up and stepped out of the shower, turning off the water. She wrapped a towel around her and stepped out of the bathroom. She heard Hungary knocking on the door.

     "Italy? Are you there? You need to eat. You didn't eat breakfast or lunch. I made you some tomato soup." Italy put on a bathrobe, not bothering to put  on underclothes, she was just going to get the food from the hallway.

     She opened the door to see Hungary walking away. She grabbed the bowl and retreated back into her room. She shut the door and sat on the bed. She slowly started humming a Russian song she had found on-line. She didn't now what it meant, but it sounded really pretty.

     She fell asleep and dreamt of her first meeting with Holy Rome.

To Save a Life(HRE x Chibitalia story)[Under Construction]Where stories live. Discover now