chp 11

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     When they got back to the house Italy made everyone her favorite thing, pasta. She laughed and snag and smiled the whole time and everyone else couldn't help but catch her happiness. Germany sat next to Italy while they ate and she wouldn't let go of his hand, not that he minded. After a while and five servings of pasta for Italy Hungary looked at Prussia. "So, are you going to explain yourself? Because it's all your fault this happened. No matter what you say I blame you, so explain." She sat back in her chair and glared at him.

     Prussia swallowed a bite of pasta and glanced at everyone. "OK, I'll explain. As joo all know by now, Germany vas in fact Holy Rome, he isn't know because now he's Germany. He was meine little bruder und so I knew how he felt about Italy. He told me he vanted to become a great empire, like Rome, und I tried to tell him not to, but he vas persistent und I had no vight to tell him not to. So he left und did gain a lot of land, but eventually he fell. It vas France zat hit ze final blow und he left him on ze battlefield to die."

     Germany glanced at Italy and she was simply smiling, but she seemed to look like she was going to call the mafia on a certain older brother. Prussia continued on with what he was saying. "I had heard zat he was fighting France und so I vent to see if he vas alvight, a good sing I did to, ozervise he might have died. I vent to ze battle field und saw him lying in a pool of his own blood, und he seemed to be slipping fast. Ven I tried talkink to him he just kept on sayink ze same sing. 'Is ze string still there? Is it OK? Is it there?' He seemed so vorried und I had no idea vat he vas talkink about, so I guessed it vas somesing only he could see.

     "So I told him it vas, but it vould only stay zere if he refused to die, und zat seemed to help him. I took him home und bandaged him up, but he didn't seem to vemeber who he vas, so to keep him safe in case ozers vere still lookink for him I gave him some of meine territory und named him Germany, like our grandfazer Germania. Und after he got bigger zen me zere vas really nosing I could do to help him remember. I vasn't sure how to help him, but ven ve heard about Italy I knew zat it vas a good time to try, so I sunk out, hoping he vould follow me und he did. So I brought ze box vis all of his old stuff und made sure he saw me.

     "Zat's basically it. He found out he vas Holy Rome und remembered stuff und zen came to tell Italy und ja." Prussia shruged and put his feet on the kitchen, only to have Hungary smack them off whith her frying pan. "Well, I guess that's that then. Italy," Hungary turned to look at her. "are you going to the world meeting tomarrow? I'm sure everyone will be glad to see that you're better." Italy smiled and nodded her head vigorusly. "Ya! I-a want to go and-a see all my friends! Ve~! I-a wonder how everyone is-a going to react to the news that-a Germany was Holy Rome. Romano will-a probably punch you." She looked at Germany and smiled.

     Germany sighed and ran his free hand through his hair. "He alveady hates me, vy not give him anozer reason?" Prussia laughed and slammed his hand down on the table. "Kesesesesese~! Sucks for joo West! Kesesese~!" Everyone sighed and Hungary threw her shoe at him, making a loud slapping sound against his head. Austria shook his head. "You are all so immature. Italy, are you going to stay the night here and then go home with Germany after the meeting? Or are you going home with him now?" Italy glanced at Germany. "Well, I-a need to pack, so I'll-a stay the night here and go home with Germany." She smiled and Germany nodded. "Vell, ve better get going bruder. It vill take us a vile to get home." Germany stood up still holding Italy's hand and walked towards the door. He kissed the top of Italy's head and said goodbye to everyone.

     After they left Italy spun in a little circle and skipped towards Hungary, She grabbed both of Hungary's hands in hers and smiled. "Do you think everything will be-a OK now?" Hungary smiled and nodded. "I think it will, at least for a while, nothing can stay peace full forever you know." Italy nodded and gave Hungary a hug. "I'll-a see you in-a the morning" With that she turned and walked down the hallway into her room. Austria wrapped his arm around Hungary's waist and smiled, knowing that they wouldn't have to worry about Italy any longer.

     ~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.Time skip from Princess Sparkle the unicorn~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.

     Hungary and Austria arrived to the meeting without Italy, no one else expected her and Germany had received a call from Italy saying that she left all of her papers at her house so she would be late for the meeting. Everyone seemed to be down this week and only a small fight broke out. England was in the middle of talking about a new book that everyone in his country seemed to be obsessing over, Harry Potter is what it's called, and was asking the countries if they wanted to translate it for him into their languages (who do you THINK translates them?) when the door was suddenly thrown open. Everyone in the room jumped, America screaming like a small child, and turned to see who it was.

     It was Italy, in her uniform with spaghetti sauce on the corner of her lips and a bunch of papers clutched in her arms. "I'm sorry I'm-a late! I left-a my papers in my room and had to go back to-a get them, but then I-a got hungry and I-a wanted to eat so I-a made some pasta and then remembered I had a meeting to-a go to, so here I am!" She smiled brightly at everyone and plunked down in her seat next to Germany, instantly taking his hand. She looked at everyone smiling. "Did I-a miss anything important?" She asked turning to look at her brother who was seated next to her.

     He suddenly stood up and smacked the back of her head making her head fly forward and smack into the table. "Ve~! Romano~! What was-a that for?" She looked at him with puppy dog eyes. Everyone looked at Romano in shock as he glared at his sister and started yelling at her. "Idiota sorella! Why didn't you-a call me and tell me you were-a coming to the meeting!? Sai come ero preoccupato de ti?!" He continued to glare at his sister and she stood up to address everyone, letting go of Germany's hand.

    "I'm-a sorry if I-a worried you guys. I didn't mean to, but I didn't want to be sad in front of so many of my friends. And besides, I'm not going to be-a sad any more, because now I-a know for certain that Holy Rome isn't-a dead." She smiled and the other countries looked at Hungary confused. "Hungary," England turned towards her, "didn't you tell Italy that Holy Rome died in battle?" Hungary nodded and stood. "That's what we thought, but it turns out that he is alive and well, he has been for centuries, we just didn't know." Everyone gaped at her in surprise and turned to look at Italy.

     "Si, he's alive. I was-a just to dense to-a realize who he was." She smiled and rapped her knuckles on her temple. Romano glared even harder. "I don't-a care if he's alive! He still made you cry! Who is he!? I want so punch him until he losses consciousness!" Germany stood sighing and ran a hand through his hair. "Romano, I vould appreciate it if joo vouldn't punch me as it vasn't meine fault zat I couldn't vemember anysing." Romano gaped at him along with many other countries. "D-Dude, you're the Holy Rome guy?" Germany nodded and took Italy's hand in his. "Ja. I am. Now are ve goink to finish ze meetink or not? I believe zat joo vere goink England?" He sat down and Italy sat down next to him smiling. She rested her head on his shoulder. Now that I have him back, I won't be sad ever again.


I had no idea what to write for this chapter, and my brother didn't give very good answers, so I guess this is like a filler. My brother suggested that I kill Hungary and make her return as 'Hungary the white' When he told me I about chocked on my apple soda. Well, I hoped you liked! Leave comments on how you think I can improve my writing! Criticism is appreciated ^J^ and if you fanned or voted I thank you deeply. Arigato! ありがとう The video is the AMV that gave me the idea for this story. I hope you enjoyed my story and I hope you will check out some of my other ones.  ^W^

Oh! And did anyone notice what I did with the flowers? Every flower I put in has a specific meaning. :) Apple blossom-Promise,  White carnation-Remembrance,  Pink carnation-Gratitude,  Yellow carnation-Cheerful,  Hydrangea-Perseverance,  Lilac-First love,  Pink tulip-Caring,  Yellow tulip-Hopelessly in love,  Violet tulip-Faithfulness,  Red tulip-Declaration of love,  Forget-me-not-Remember me forever,  Begonias-Deep thoughts,  Anemone-Fragile,  Star-of-Bethlehem-Hope. 

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