chp 7

989 26 15

     Italy sat in the extra room she had used as her painting room. She had pulled out her paints and easels and had started painting. She blended the different shades of black, yellow, gold and white together, trying to get everything correct. It was a simple painting of Holy Rome, just a portrait of how he had always looked when she saw him. Frowining slightly, brow furrowed, and with a small blush on his cheeks.

     She looked at the wall infront of her and smiled. She had found the painting Holy Rome had done of a bunny. That was probably her favorite memory of him. Sitting on a grassy hill, teaching him to paint. He had gotten so embaressed when he had seen her picture of a bunny and had refused to show her. Eventually though she had snuck a peek and couldn't stop herself from giving out a little giggle. It was so cute.

     He had thouight that she was making fun of his painting though and had gotten a sad face. Until she had kissed him on the cheek and told him she loved it. She wondered if he remembered that day as vividly as she did.  She was humming her song again and continued painting. She was getting better and better faster then she would have thought. She stood up to go get more black paint from the chelf behind her. As she stood and turned he tripped and landed flat of her face. 

     She sat back on her haunches and blinked, wriggiling her nose from the sudden impact. She giggled at how funny she probably looked and put her hands down nfront of her to stand up. Her hand touched something cold and she looked under her palm. It was the cross necklace Germany had given her for her birthday last year. She looked at it and for some reason felt guilty. She sighed and walked over to the window and opened it, hoping the fresh air would help clear her mind.

     She folded her arms on the window sill and leaned her head out of the window. The wind caught her hair and blew it around her face. She closed her eyes, a single tear leaking out out of her eye. "Holy Rome, where are you?"  She sighed and turned back into the room, slipping the cross necklace around her neck.


     Germany sat outside in his garden underneath on of his aspen trees. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I know zat I am him, or vas, but, how on ers am I suppossed to remember anysing if I forgot it all?" He leaned back and stared at the braches of the tree above him. He closed his eyes and tried to remember anything about his past. All he could see was a young Italy smiling brightly at him and it made his heart swell, more so then her smile usually did.

     It was no secret to Germany's close companians about how much he cared for her.They all knew that he had feelings for her, even if he didn't recognize them himself. He opened his eyes and looked above him, watching a bird take flight. As he stared at the branches he had the sudden urge to climb the tree, though he had never done any such thing before in his life.

     He shook his head and felt a stab of pain. "Allvight, allvight. I'll climb ze tree." He stood up and brushed his hands on his pants. He grabbed a branch and lifted himself into the tree. He expected it to be hard, as he had seen many people falling from trees on their first try, but it seemed to come to him naturally. His hands knew exactly what branches to grab and he knew what branches to keep off of without haveing to think about it. 

      Before he knew it he was as high as he could go into the tree, looking out over his street, watching all the families walking past. He remmbered the many times he had climbed trees with Italy and smilied. It was working. Just going through his daily life, paying attention to the random urges he got. He smiled and laughed, knowing that he was getting closer and closer to Italy.

      ~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.Time skip by Iggys Eyebrows~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~

     Prussia walked down the small path that no one knew was there. He was the only one who used it and who knew about it. It was a small path leading to the stream where Italy and Holy Rome used to meet. He smiled knowing that his brother was remembering his past and how soon he didn't have to keep it a secret. He just had one more thing to-do before he brought Germany to Hungary and Austria to tell them everything.

      He arrived next to the stream and placed the folded up black cape and hat in a tree hole, where he knew Italy would see it. He just hoped that they hadn't told her what they thought had happened to Holy Rome, other wise it would just cause her more pain then he ever wanted her to bear, he cared for her like family, which he was hoping she would become eventually. 

     He snikered and looked up at the night sky. He saw a shooting star and wished with all his heart that everything would work out for his brother and Italy. He had remembered everything when he had seen an old push broom, Prussia had NO idea why and chose not to question it, and he couldn't wait to tell Italy. 

     Prussia shoved his hands in his pokets and turned walking back down the path towards his car, smirking all the while.

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