chp 2

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     Italy sat in her old room, holding a photo of her, Hungary, Holy Rome, and Austria sitting under the hickory tree in the backyard to her chest. She was sitting on her bed, rocking back and forth sobbing dry tears.

       Hungary sat next to her and had her arm around Italy's shoulders, trying to calm her down.

     "Italy," she said "you need to tell me what happened. Italy," she looked Italy in the eyes, "if it's about Holy Rome you need to talk about it." Italy looked at her and nodded slowly, taking a deep breath.

      "I-I've been having-a dreams of when Holy Rome left, for a whole week now. Then today, I was-a painting in-a the park when a little boy came and tried to give-a me money. Germany said-a something and the boy gave me a hug and-a told me to work-a hard," Italy managed a weak smile, "and he ran back to his mother, and turned and-a waved, and-and he-he looked e-exactly like-a Holy Rome did when ever he went to-a town with Austria."

     Hungary looked at Italy and felt her heart break when she saw the emptiness in the Italians eyes. "I'm sorry Italy. I wish there was something I could do but-" She stopped and pulled Italy close. "I'll get you some water and leave you to yourself, OK?" Italy nodded and Hungary stood then kissed the top of Italy's head. "It'll get better, it always does." With that she left and Italy felt tears start to fall.

     Please come home soon... She thought as she slipped into the darkness of sleep, haunted with the memories of the boy she would never forget.


Sorry for the short chapter. I hate typing on the IPad, super annoying. Leave comments telling me what you think. I already have the next chapter planned out :) I hope you'll continue reading.

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