chp 5

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     Germany watched as his brother sneaked out of the meeting. 'Vere in ze vorld is he goink?' He quietly got up and followed his brother, luckily no one noticed because they were all worried about Italy. He couldn't help but think back to what Hungary had said about Italy. It was impossible for him to see her without a smile, and when he did try to imagine it, his heart clenched in sadness.

     'I hope she vill be back to her normal self soon.' He looked up to see Prussia turn a corner and picked up his pace so he wouldn't lose him. He just glanced around the corner when he saw Prussia walk into his room. (A/N This is taking place in Germany's house, and I decided that Prussia lives with him.) He followed close behind him and looked through the door.

     Prussia was kneeling on the floor near his bed. He reached under and pulled out a box. As he opened it, they heard Romano yelling from the meeting. "HEY! GET BACK IN HERE DAMMIT! ITALY CALLED BACK!!" Germany ran back to the meeting, praying that Prussia hadn't seen him following.

     Back in the room Prussia looked down at the box. "Oh vell," he sighed, "It looks like today isn't ze day for little Holy Rome to come back." He put the lid back on the box, pushed it under his bed, and stood up. He stretched his arms as he walked back to the meeting room. 'Hopefully his curiosity will get ze better of him and he'll look for ze box.' He snickered and joined the others in talking to Italy.

                 **Time and place change brought to you by Flying Mint Bunny**

     Italy sighed as she closed her phone. Pretending to be her happy cheerful self was difficult, especially since she was sitting next to Holy Rome's favorite creek, and all the memories were overflowing her. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes. She leaned back against a large rock and let her eyes drift close. 

     She opened her eyes to see the landscape had changed. She was standing on the shore overlooking the lake a few miles away from Austria's home. She and Holy Rome had gone swimming here frequently. She saw a young her splashing in the shallows, with Holy Rome. She watched as the little her splashed Holy Rome and as he fell backwards, jumping up when he felt a fish in his pants. The younger her looked so happy and carefree, she didn't have to really worry about anything back then, and she wished she could return to those times.

     She blinked as something appeared on her younger versions pinkie, it was a red string, and it went and connected to Holy Romes pinkie. She watched as the little her looked at the string questioningly and as little her smiled when she noticed it led to Holy Rome. She watched as he disappeared and she felt the pain of the day renew in her heart. She watched as she aged before her eyes, the red string still on her pinkie, until it reached how she was now, then she disappeared. She looked around and noticed a red string on her pinkie finger. She looked around. 'Maybe I'll be able to find him if he still has the string on his finger. But, this is a dream.' 

     She sighed and sat back down and closed her eyes. When she opened them she was back by the stream, with an annoying krick in her neck. She looked down at her pinkie, but there was no red string. She sighed and leaned back. She thought about what the red string could mean, then she remembered a story Kiku had told her once. 

      They had been sitting under a tree when she asked if he berieved in 'fate' he had looked at her and nodded. "There is a regend my brother tord me once, about the 'Red String of Fate.' It originated from Chinese regend, and is also used in Japanese legend. According to the myth, the Gods tie a red cord or string around the ankres, or pinkie fingers, of peopre who are supposed to meet each other in a certain situation, or herp each other in a certain way. According to regend, the deity in charge of 'Red Thread' is believed to be Yue Xai Lao, the lunar god who is n charge of marriages.

     "The two peopre connected by this thread are destined rovers, regardress of time, prace, or circumstances. The string may stretch and tangre, but never break. I berive we are free to choose our own fate, but there are some things that are chosen for us."  She had nodded and smiled, being able to learn something about Japanese culture. Now she was even happier she had asked Kiku about that. 'Maybe me and Holy Rome are connected by that red string! That means we'll be together forever!' She smiled to herself and stood up, ready to return to Austria's house. 

     It was getting late and a bit chilly. She walked back down the path towards the brightly lit house, her spirits beginning to rise at the thought of being connected to Holy Rome by an unbreakable bond.

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