chp 9

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     Prussia and Germany got out of the car as they pulled up at Austria and Hungary's. Prussia headed for the house but stopped when he noticed Germany standing by the car. He walked back towards his brother and put a hand on his shoulder. "Vat's vrong bruder?" Germany sighed and faced hi brother. "Vat if she doesn't believe me? Vat if she gets angry or refuses to speak to me because she sought I vas dead? Vat if -" Prussia put up a hand to stop his brothers talking. "Bruder, zis is Italy ve are talkink about. It's not possible for her to get angry at joo."

    Germany glared at Prussia. "Ve aslo sought it vasn't possible for her to not smile, but according to Hungary she didn't for months. How are ve to know vat she'll do. I mean, she VAS in ze mafia." Prussia looked at Germany in shock. "She was!?! But-but she seems so sweet, and innocent." Germany nodded his head and looked towards the house. Prussia patted him on the back and headed for the warmly lit windows. "Come on! It's now or never." Germany nodded and followed after his brother.

     They walked down the path and up the stairs leading to the porch. Prussia knocked on the door loudly. "YO! Aristocrat! She-Male!! Ze awesome me und my less-awesome bruder have come to visit!!" Germany sweat-dropped and smacked Prussia on the back of the head. Austria opened the door with an annoyed expression on his face. "What do you want Prussia. We are busy. Hello Germany." 

     Germany nodded. "Hello Austria. Ve came to visit Italy, Ve have somesing to tell her." Prussia walked in the doorway without being invited. "It's for joo und the She-Male to hear also." Austria glared at Prussia and swore at him under his breath. "Fine, come in. I really don't care, I can't keep this annoying albino out anyway." He opened the door wider and Germany walked into the house following his brother.

     Austria closed the door behind him and called up the stairs for Hungary. She came down the stairs in some fluffy pajama pants and a very soft looking bathrobe. When her eyes landed on Prussia they hardened and she put her hands on her hips. "What are you doing here albino?" Germany stepped up and placed his hands on his brothers shoulder. "Hello Hungary. We are here to tell Italy und you und Austria somesing." When she noticed Germany her eyes softened and she wrapped her arms around herself. "Y-ya...Well, let's go and-and talk in the kitchen."

     She walked down the stairs and down the hallway. Germany looked at Austria in confusion and Austria looked away, shoving his hands in his pockets. He turned towards Prussia and he shrugged, just as confused as his brother. They followed Hungary and Austria into the kitchen and they sat down around the table. Hungary got up and decided to make hot cocoa. Austria looked at Germany and Prussia. "So, what do you have to tell us?" Germany looked at him. "Vat about Italy? Vat ve have to say is for her as vell."

     Hungary placed down a mug of cocoa infront of Germany. "She's...she's right now. She...went for a walk..." Prussia coughed and pounded his chest. "Zat is very," he coughed. "hot chocolate!" He continued pounding on his chest. When he had finished he looked at Hungary. "Ven did she leave?" Hungary sat down next to Austria and looked at her lap. "Yesterday afternoon." Germany inhailed hos drink and started coughing.

     "Y-yesterday afternoon? Und she hasn't come back yet?" Hungary shook her head. "We didn't expect her to," Austria spoke up. "She was heart broken, you could tell by the look on her face. We don't expect her to be back for awhile, at least until she craves food." Germany looked up at him from his hands. "Vy vas she sad? Vat happened?" Austria sighed and looked out the window. "We told her the truth. We told her that Holy Rome had died in battle. She refused it at first, but I think she knew deep down in her heart Holy Rome was gone."

     Prussia started laughing. Everyone turned to look at him. "Joo guys are so stupid! Like hell Holy Rome is dead!" Hungary looked at him in shock. "What are you talking about? He's dead!" Prussia started to open his mouth to speak but Germany interrupted him. "Vere vas she headed ven she left?" Hungary looked up. "She was headed for the old cliff she and Holy Rome went to frequently. It just out right above a lake so they loved it there." Germany slammed his hands down on the table and stood up sharply, causing his chair to fly backwards. He turned and ran out the kitchen door. The other three looked at each other with shocked expressions. 

     Hungary was the first to break the silence. "W-why did he looked so worried? He doesn't even know where it is." She turned towards Austria. "Does he?" Austria looked at her and shook his head. "I don't think so. I don't see why he looked so worried. Italy can take care of herself."  They sat there in silence for a while, trying to figure out why he was so worried. Suddenly Austria stood up. "The cliff! It's not stable anymore! It could collapse any moment if it hasn't already!" Hungary and Prussia got up and they all ran out the door, heading for the cliff.

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