chp 8

851 28 4

     Hungary looked out of the window of the piano room and saw Italy sitting in the yard, making a crown out of anemone flowers. She frowned and turned to look at Austria. "We can't tell her. It will just break her heart." Austria looked up from the song he was composing and sighed. "I know we don't want to, but we have to. She'll find out soon enough." He stood and walked over so he was standing next to her. He looked out the window and sighed, he knew that she was getting better and seemed so much happier now, it hurt his to have to tell her that Holy Rome was dead, not now that she was getting better so fast.

     Hungary sighed and turned towards the door. "I have to do it now before my courage fails me." She gipped the handle of her frying pan and walked out the door, heading for the main hallway which would take into the kitchen the to the back door. Austria looked after her and then turned back towards the window. "We can only pray it doesn't break her completly." 

     Italy looked behind her when she heard the back door leading to the kitchen open. It was Hungary. "Oh! Ciao Hungary, I was-a making a crown, do you-a want one?" She smiled up at Hungary but blinked and slowly lost her smile when she saw the look on Hungary's face. "What is it?" Hungary sighed and sat down next to her, grabbing Italy's hands in hers. "Italy...I need to tell you something, I-we, me and Austria, should have told you this long ago." She took a deep breath and looked Italy straight in the eyes. "Holy Rome is dead."

     Italy looked at her and blinked. "No he isn't, he's just missing. He's not dead. I know he isn't." Hungary shook her head and hugged Italy. "Italy, he died in battle. He's gone. He's not coming back. I'm so sorry sweetie." Italy pulled back and looked at her, tears in her eyes. "N-no, he-he's not dead! I-I won't-a believe it! He's-a not-he's not.." She slumped her shoulders and stopped talking, feeling in her heart that he was dead. She looked at Hungary with dull eyes and stood. "I'm-a going for a walk." Her voice was barley above a whisper.

     She turned and headed for the forest path leading to the cliff they always sat at. Hungary watched her go, tears streaming down her face. Austria came out of the house and wrapped his arms around Hungary. She turned towards him and buried her face in his chest. He ran his fingers through her hair. "We need to giver her time, she'll come back, she just needs time. " Hungary turned her head towards the path Italy had taken. "I know, but how much time?" Austria laid his chin on her head and sighed. "I don't know, I truly don't."

      Italy walked down the path, her eyes empty, her heart shattered. She stumbled on a root and cught her self on a tree. She leaned her head against it and gave out a heart renching sob. Shaking from the sobs that gripped her body. She pushed off and continued walking, sobbing her broken heart out all the while. 'He's gone. He's not coming back. I'll never be able to hold his hand again. I'll never feel his arms wrapped around me, keeping me safe from the monsters. I'll never be able to see him again.' 

     She stumbled down the path and broke away when she saw something in a tree near the stream. She walked towards it and let out another sob of agony at the sight of his hat and cape. She grabbed them and hugged them close to her chest, gasping as huge sobs escaped her lips. She continued walking and put the cloak around her shoulders, trying to chase away not only the cold but the pain.

     When she reached the cliff he walked over to the edge and sat down, her legs folded beneath her, clutching the hat to her chest. She stared into the distance, no tears came from her eyes and she didn't have enough strength to cry anymore. She had cried to much and she had no more tears to shed. She sat her legs crossed beneath her, clinging onto the hat for dear life.

     Hours past and she sat there, not moving, looking at the stars, trying to name the constellations Holy Rome had told her about. She looked down and saw a star-of-Bethlehem. Oh god how that hurt. Looking around her she saw many other flowers and felt herself break even more. She slowly and quietly started singing, it was more speaking the words to a rhythm, her voice cracking now and again. 

  I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house, that don't bother me can take a few tears now and then and just let ‘em out

I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while even though goin' on with you gone still upsets me. There are days every now and again I pretend I'm okay, But that's not what gets me

What hurts the most, was being so close, and havin' so much to say,and watchin' you walk away.

And never knowin'What could've been, and not seein' that lovin' you is what I was tryin' to do

It's hard to deal with the pain of losin' you everywhere I go, but I'm doin' it. It's hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I'm alone. Still harder gettin' up, gettin' dressed, livin' with this regret but I know, if I could do it over I would trade, give away all the words that I saved in my heart, that I left unspoken

What hurts the mostIs being so closeAnd havin' so much to say, and watchin' you walk away.

And never knowin' What could've been, and not seein' that lovin' you is what I was tryin' to do.

What hurts the most, was being so close and havin' so much to say(To say)And watchin' you walk away

And never knowin' what could've been and not seein' that lovin' you is what I was tryin' to do

Not seein' that lovin' you

Was what I was trying to do...

She stopped and looked back at the stars. "I love you." She whispered this into the empty night sky and bowed her head, gripping the hat in her hands even harder. And that's how she stayed into the morning.


It took me freaking forever to come up with what I wanted to happen in this chapter -_-' PLEASE COME AND VISIT ME PLOT BUNNY!!! *sigh* Oh well, the plot bunny hates me right now. Comments are very much appreciated. :)

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