Chapter: Two

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Lucy woke up because of a hevy thing in her stomach and legs and there's something hevy in her breast too, that made her open her eyes to only see the snoring salmon haired guy.

"KYAAAA!" She screams and kick Natsu out of the bed that made him fall. "Ouch! What the hell Luce?!"

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE AND MY BED?!" She yelled hugging the blue cat in her breast trying her best not to wake him up.

Natsu scratch the back of his head "It's not my fault if your window is always open for me to get in." he excuse.

She felt her cheeks burning up "My gosh Natsu! You should really stop coming in my room without me lnowing it!"

"What's wrong with that? We're best friend and best friend share stuff." He pouted. "Idiot! We can share anything but not the bed!" Why am I arguing with this idiot by the way? Lucy said in her mind.

"Tch, you really hurt my fellings you know."

Lucy just rolled her eyes on Natsu and slowly lay Happy in bed not wanting to wake him up. "Stay where you are I'm going to take a shower and prepare your food." She command. Natsu just salute and said. "Thanks Luce."

"Yeah yeah... AND don't wake that cat until I'm done." Knowing Happy he'll just teased Lucy and Natsu by rolling his toung to say 'You lllliiiikkkkeeee each other.'

After taking a shower Lucy change into her usual cloths dark blue skirt, blue and white crop top, dark blue stockings and brown booths. Her long hair is in a pony tail.

When she's done she start preparing  breakfast for her, Natsu and Happy. They start eating the blue cat is awake and keep demanding for another fish but Lucy just ignored him.

And now they start walking to the guild like every day when they reach the guild Natsu start to fight with Gray and Lucy headed to the bar where Mira is and of course Happy start pestering Carla.

"Good morning Mira." She greeted the white haired girl who's wiping the dishes. "Good morning Lucy, what do you like to have?" Mira asked.

"Oh just coffee I didn't get a chance to drink coffee in my apartment because Natsu want a juice insted of coffee."

"Ohh, did Natsu and Happy end up sleeping in your apartment again?" Mira asked grining like she was thinking of something.

"What's new? Please the coffee I felt sleeppy again." Lucy groan.

"Coming." Mira walk away to prepare a coffee for Lucy.

As soon as Mira walk a way Wendy show up poking Lucy's arm. "Oh hey Wendy." She greeted Wendy.

" Good morning Lucy-san, can you come with me in this mission?" Wendy shyly asked and hand the request paper on Lucy.

It says 'Please help me find my wedding ring' and the reward money is 150,000 jewel.

"A lost ring huh? Ok I'll go with you but why do you want to go on a mission like this? I mean finding something? Do you need some money?" She questioned the dark blue haired girl.


"Eh? What about the money you get from our mission yesterday?"

"Uhmm.. well.. Ispentitallwithoutknowingit!"

"Come again?" Lucy asked a little bit confuse.

"I spent it all without knowing it that's why I need to go on a job to make sure Carla and I won't ran out of food." Wendy explaind with a teary eyes.

"Hahaha! Let's go."

"Wahh thank you Lucy-san!" Wendy jump to hug her and Lucy just chuckle and pat Wendy's head. "It's nothing." She said.

"Should I ask Natsu-san to come too?"

"Nah, I think we can handle it he will just be bored and lazy to find a ring."

"Ok! Carla we're going now!" She called the white cat.

Carla fly over to where Lucy and Wendy is and Happy is behind her, Carla landed in Wendy's arm and Happy landed on Lucy's arm too.

"You'll come too Happy?" Lucy asked the blue exeed.


"Ok let's go we have to ride a train to reach Onibus." Lucy said and they start walking out the guild and headed to the Magnolia train station.

"Lushee, why didn't you asked Natsu and the others to come along?" Happy asked as soon as they get in the train.

"Well we don't need them because it's just about finding a missing ring and I bet Natsu will just get bored and end up messing around." She explaind.

"She's right, and what about you? We don't need a stupid blue cat here." Carla asked in anoyed tone.

Happy didn't mind what Carla called him. "You're here so I'll come too and beside Lushee is my mother!" He answer with a grin.

"Eh? Lucy-san is your foster mother?" Wendy asked with sparkly eyes. "Aye! That was Mira and Lissana said! They said that Natsu took care of me when I'm still an egg and even now that's made him my father, and now that Lushee alway take care and look after me she also feed me and let me sleep beside her that made her my new mother! So Natsu and Lushee is my parents that's why I have to go where they go too!" He said proudly and Wendy listen to it with a amusement and happy expression, she even clap when Happy done explaining. Carla just have a half smile in her face.

"What!? Ugh Mira is really creppy sometimes." Lucy groan and lean her head in the window of the train.

All the way to Onibus Lucy and Wendy are still talking about some random thing and the two exeed are sleeping in their lap.

Even tho she's Talking to Wendy she still thinking what happy said 'Natsu and Lushee is my parents!' She smiled on that.

'Happy is maybe annoying sometimes but he's not happy if he didn't annoy or teased me/us, well even he's like that he still make me happy when i'm sad and cheer me up when I felt down and he's there whenever I fetl lonely, that's why I love him Happy, his name suit him well he made people around him happy.'  Lucy smiled looked at the blue cat who'se sleeping in her lap.

*On the guild*

Natsu just finshed fighting with Gray and deside to asked Lucy to go on the job with him but Lucy is nowhere to be found even Happy.

So he desided to asked Mira to where's Lucy and Happy, his jaw literaly drop when Mira said they go on a job with Wendy and Carla.

"WHAT!? why didn't they told me!?" He began to panic.

'What if they go on a dangerous job and got hurt?!' He think.

He was about to ran when Erza suddenly show up and asked him what's wrong he said that Lucy and Weny go on a job alone.

"I think we must follow them now." Erza said in a serious tone.

"I'll go too just incase this crazy flame spewer got out of controll and burned everything." Gray said standing up beside Erza.

"What did you just call me droopy eyes!?"

"You heard me flame brain!"

"Wanna go ice princess!"

"Ha! bri—!"

They both stop calling eache other with some nicknames when they see the dark aura coming from Erza."IT'S NOT THE TIME TO FIGHT!" She yelled that made them hug each other.

"Oh my." Mira whispared

They start runing around the guild with Erza chasing them with a sword in her hand ready to attack the two idiots.


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