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As promised here is book six,the final book

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As promised here is book six,the final sure to vote 🌟comment 💬and tell me your favorite character by the end of the book and part.

Translation of language was done by Google translate and other translator apps so if not correct I apologize now.


"We are screwed!" Olivia exclaims.

The two look around obviously surprised by the new point of their journey. They had no idea how the human world looked like but Leonard and Velma did and they are nowhere to be found. Well them and their entire pack. "We definitely landed on the human world right?" "Am not sure. There is no soul in sight." It was night time, the stars could barely be seen thanks to the neon and security light pollution. They could hear some distant car engine noises skids of tires here and there meaning they were on some modern day world of some kind unlike the snake's jungle. KRACK!! MEOOoWW!! Sound of breaking glass forces the two newly arrived beings to turn facing a dark shadow like figure of what seemed to be a man bending over what looks like some broken bottles emitting some strong herbal mixed smell that the two despised.

The two wolves eyes light up in their respective colours giving them night vision required to see the figure clearly. Despite the awful infra red that comes with it the two are able to see the well distinguished face of the male. He was quite adorable with brown eyes covered by a thick lens of what seemed to be glasses, jet black hair covering part of his face.

 He was quite adorable with brown eyes covered by a thick lens of what seemed to be glasses, jet black hair covering part of his face

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"Do you think we can use him?" "We have no choice." Olivia answers as they walk towards the stunned human being who has yet moved from his position afraid of the two aliens. Who wouldn't be they walked out of what seemed to be a light. They were either tow things his imagination from how overworked his brain was or angels sent to collect him by the heavens from how tired of earth he was. Either that or the madness he feared for so long has caught up with him.

THE END OF THE BLOODY WAR.6?🐺☑️Complete And Edited.Where stories live. Discover now