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(Listen to the song above 👆🎧 while reading the parts encapsulated in (...).)

                            What is war? It maybe a stupid question to ask after all that we have been through but an answer should still surface for even the most dumbest of questions. You see the thing is only few understand the meaning of this word. People basically assume war is bloodshed and death. Nothing really goes around deepening the thought enough for everyone to fully understand the terminology. what instigates it, it's rise, it's expectations and it's downfall. Most of the times only  those of authority or higher power have The understanding of all those but even they get devoured by the lack of understanding fully of it's extent. Starting a war is fairly easy compared to ending one. Words such as successful war and failure war normally surface at the end for either party believed to have won or lost. The thing is if we are all here for a truth and a true understanding, you should all learn one thing first. War never has success, it only has failure. In other words a successful war is one that never began in the first place. It's weird I know but hear me out.

Let's start from the moment you know you are going out to battle, you train, you prepare every single day is dedicated to results. Are you strong enough ? Are you smart enough? Are you fast enough? All this questions come in mind and no matter how hard you train and prepare you never seem to please yourself. The thing is we never ask what this results are at the end. It's always assumptions of if I give my life at least my people, family or loved one will be safe. It never really occurs in preparation that one may die eventually and those you fight for may follow you depending on the extent. So it clearly means whether you win you have still failed in fulfilling your promises of war's aftermath. When the moment arrives you put on your gear, you strap on your boots and pick your steel. On your way out you look into the eyes of those you are fighting for, those you are so willing to sacrifice for and it gives you strength. That strong will have to keep going, adjusting itself in your blood. At this moment adrenaline is the only thing thinking for you and your emotions have shifted from belief to vision. You visualize hypocritical messages after the brutal battle, of hope, peace and even worse bloodshed means the world is going to be cleaner for you have eliminated the threat that pollutes it.

When it happens, when you are out there with your weapon in your hands, you feel scared and a bitter taste forms in your mouth. Both your enemy and you are equal in terms of blood thirst. Both of you are fighting for a justice that can only be assumed to be achieved by death. The need to run away is heavy in your mind but instead you stay like a force of nature demands you be there. You grip whatever is in your hands say your last prayers for you never know if you will make it out alive. Then the  battle begins, sweat sliding down to your eyelids, dirt on your face and fresh blood around your hands like a blanket. Normally warriors are told once you shed your first blood it is easy from there. What they forget to tell you is ... Once you start all you see is red. Everyone around you turns into an enemy. Age, gender friend or foe it doesn't really matter death is the mantra that sings a repeated chorus and you dance to it's beat like a puppet strung up. Slowly by slowly after the thrill you feel something heavy. The weapon you carried so lightly becomes a burden, your eyes demand to be closer and not to mention that viscous persistent shaking in your muscles demanding rest. Tired, yes that feeling of giving up starts up again but do you stop, no you don't. Why? Cause the urgency to live echoes at the back of your brain. You are selfish and greedy, how hypocritical after claiming to giving your life for others. A promise only a weapon can give not flesh and blood.

So what is war? I ask. I'll elaborate for those who would like to understand. War is not the battle field, it's never when you stand and fight, no it's not that moment you shed your first blood nor your last. War is when the mind of a single individual's ambitions grown from a single seed to a monster becomes selfish and greedy. Spreading it poison on the water for others  to drinks and fuel rage and lies to others that barely understand or see beyond their shallow vision. War is when a single word strings up others into puppets without considering the fall that comes with it.  So I will help you understand this ... when you finish bleeding and patting your back for a job well done turn you head take off those rose coloured glasses and see clearly what you have done. What happens after you have finished the battle and realize that you have lost everything despite wining. The battle of trying to get back on your feet, you trying to escape that thousand yard stare for closing your eyes is scary because all you see is the blood of your victims children, mothers, fathers in your hands. The push and pull of your broken mind with nobody to help you up. You see cities destroyed places people used to call home, memories burned and survival becomes an animal saying used in natural selection stating those that best fit it will make it to the end. This is what war is and this is what war brings forth. After reading all that do you agree on the fact. Win or lose, War is failure for both parties.

THE END OF THE BLOODY WAR.6?🐺☑️Complete And Edited.Where stories live. Discover now