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                                   A pair of bare feet walk on to the cold numbing snow through a dark terrifying crawling  maze, everything looking even more confusing than before yet the person keeps on walking with her red chilling  feet from all blood rushing to keep her feet from completely freezing hoping to turn to their final stop or better an exit. The person taunted by which way is out and which is not gets frustrated thus increasing their speed to a different paths but even in top speed they keep finding themselves at a dead end. They could feel a bizarre weird feeling creeping up in their system as her fear rises and her heartbeat louder each time the way out is blocked by shrubs with dark green leaves. The constant fear of not getting out and which way is their saving grace from the tormenting cold builds a feeling of panic. They needed to get out of this  never ending maze. Anxiety, tension everything around looks like a nightmare. With every trickle of sweat was an icy cold coolness not the good kind, the one that makes one shiver and cold to the bone.

A numbing sensation full of pain, a piercing pain, it moves from the tips of her fingers making its way across to her elbows then shoulder,blue patches appear on her lips and tips of her fingers and palms it was cold ,so cold the air around becoming  too unbearable to take in and the green spring leaves are dumped with white snow. Her feet though frozen insists on moving getting her to safety or better yet warmth. Fire,hot springs ,magma yes that's how cold it was to the point of wanting a volcano to appear out of thin air and erupt but in this lifeless cold world,she was not alone and deep within her she could sense it. The voice that lingered and pulled her in to the maze was still around,her voice,her sound it was exactly like her own,it was almost like looking for herself in the lost maze but can't seem to find her. Even though all this felt like a dream the goosebumps around her body told her otherwise,so as the tingling sensation as she rubs her skin together to gain futile warmth . "Is somebody here." Her second shout for mercy echoes through the maze not giving her the help she longs for But...." Olivia." The voice, that voice that she  follows was getting loud and clearer,  the whisper to wherever path it would take her. She needed warmth and may be this was it the way out but it could also be a trap set by the voice with her in the monsterous maze . A regretful decision. As her feet step into the snow,she grew closer to the voice. The voice takes her to the centre of the maze finding a shocking revelation. The woman behind the torment,the owner of the voice that fills her head.

"Yes Olivia that is me." In the middle of the cuboid looked like her image from a mirror only difference is she was  with blue hair and sea green eyes but her feature were exactly like hers it was like looking at a counterfeit mermaid version of herself  scary but surprisingly shocking. Even as she goes around the cuboid touching the cold ice structure,the person inside did not move. "I am the one who voiced you before,I am Rose Bella your ancestor."

"What is this? What is going on?" She asks in a whisper as if uncertain

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"What is this? What is going on?" She asks in a whisper as if uncertain. Most likely because of two things she was terrified of investing further afraid that this are indeed the results of having this gift or not  wanting to know further than she already knows." I know you are afraid,terrified but if you are gonna weil this new power that has been grunted to you,you need to stay strong. " "What happened to you? ....... Is this my fate?" " No! It doesn't have to be. You are stronger than me. You are more powerful than I had ever been." "Don't say things you are uncertain of,I am not strong,I am confused,this..... this so called gift is more of a burden to me. I am afraid my emotions will make me do stuff I don't want to do."" Emotions make us stronger not weak. Olivia you are going to bring us back to the elders chair."" What do you mean?...... The elders chair." "I was the last of the Ayame bloodline to take that seat because I disappeared I let fear control me. Ever since the six of us were blessed with this powers to make things  better,some of us couldn't be able to control the gifts ushered to us ,we were never prepared. Titan was the first to die, he could not let himself destroy what we created . I understood him unlike the others . He left his wife pregnant. Poor woman , Titan was gifted with the power of electricity, like an eel , he let himself get electrocuted in his tub and then Zenela followed a banshee spirit in a wolf's  body it's not easy to handle somethings. Lucky for her she left a young one to take her place as she went with the spirits to be the new anchor." "I've met her."" She was my best friend....... I later followed when my other side took control every single day so I left with no trace. I guess they replaced our family with another powerful family." "The Ulfred's took over , Finn's family ,his daughter Sasha died. She was my best friend."" Am so  sorry." Olivia wipes away her cold tears a Rose Bella proceeds." Things grew harder but I eventually accustomed to the life of being alone until I met him. He took care of me gave me the gift of a child a boy. We  gave him my family name to continue my almost lost blood line. But as they say all good things come to an end. My tragedy came back faster than I imagined  like a cheetah to it's prey. I gave up on myself the cold was too much to bear,too much, that numbness only eased the slight pain I felt. The frost was a burden and I let it engulf everyone else." Olivia looks into the body stuck in ice. She could see fear in her eyes but also strength and determination. " You are not going to end up like me. Because you are going to control it. Don't be afraid anymore let it be part of you and once you do that everything else will be alright. Your mind will resurface. Not everything you see in the mirror is what you are . You are not always the image you look at. "" That's why he left,he knew what I would become he wanted to out a stop to all this."" You can't stop what is written in stone. He had to understand that."  With her faded words ,Olivia turns away from the image looking  around the area seeing the huge maze around her the frost and the pain inside intensifies making her scream loud enough to be heard by the human world as the snow around her melts ,the maze wilts and falls creating a clear path ,her hair turns fully sky blue with blonde highlights showcasing the acceptance of her new self. She is not the monster she wanted to believe she was and this new part of her will ensure the war faces it's wrath,her wrath. Rose Bella also helped her understand her father,he left to keep themselves safe from him the guilty that consumed him. The face of evil in her nightmares became the reason to fight back. For him,for their family,to bring back the last honour.

THE END OF THE BLOODY WAR.6?🐺☑️Complete And Edited.Where stories live. Discover now