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                                    The locater spell is finally put to a stop and the small hurricane surrounding them stops as they both let go of their hands."Hope no one saw that." "Mysterious things happen near the sea." Leonard brushes off Gavin sudden worry overjoyed and barely in the mood to deal with damage control at the moment. They were able to spot their friends in the different areas they walked in to after stepping out of the gateway. They couldn't see much since the images were a bit too vague but the map outlined a couple of major cities which was another issue judging by the fact that they could not easily tell where those places were for Thecla of course, Leonard knew his sister was in Hollywood thank God cause she could navigate the area comfortably. Either way this was a stepping stone to the huge ladder they had to start climbing.

Once Breanna and Gavin were able to regain part of their strength after the toll the spell took on them despite being two, they assist each other to stand from the cold wooden floor. "But seriously I also hope nobody saw that." Breanna states chuckling in between.  "That took so much of my dinner. Now um Mr. Pay up. We have to get home before my mom turns us into Jesus and crucify us in front of our house. She might be a heavy sleeper but that woman has the instincts of a mother gorilla." Leonard smirks, yap this boy is him in the past,  that golden attitude that got him what he always wanted. "Oh well you did deliver and I did promise."

He takes out a small bag of gold coins from Thecla's bag getting a sharp glare from the female. When he's aid he'll pay the words his money was what Thecla assumed he meant not hers, bastard as always. He stretches out his hand watching Gavin's widening eyes stare at the bag while slowly stretching out his own left receiving  hand. Just a few seconds count and the gold will be in his possession, closer, closer the tips touching the white leather wallet WHOOSH!! The sound of wind so fast his ears could barely register the ongoings. His hands though felt it, empty with nothing but settling air floating around them."What is this? Scammer gets scammed commercial?" "Patience little boy there is still one more thing." He quickly grabs the map from Thecla who was busy analyzing the points of blood though not understanding a thing. "Where are this places?" Impatient Gavin grabs the map from him looking at the various points lucky for them the boy is a geography king or they'll be in trouble. He needs his money. "This first one points to Seoul capital of south Korea, east if you were in Africa the center as you can see here, north of us, this next one is in Dubai, middle east, north west of us closer, this other one is in Hollywood, LA way way west hours on air, days on water, forever on foot and last one London, England, again north west of us but way further compared to Dubai.( Laughing) You people were vomited all across the world like an alien invasion." He quickly narrates flexing his right hand this time while wiggling his fingers towards the bag in Leonard's left hand. "How are we gonna get there?" "Aren't you overextending your budget here? Extra for the travel lessons..." "The gateway spell is not easy to conjure to that many places, stability is key. Plus it will attract attention. I think me and my brother have done all we can to help you. I wish there was more I can do, you look like you need the help." Sympathizes Breanna interrupting a very impatient Gavin. "I suggest you get yourself some plane tickets and start early." "Please one more favor." Thecla pleads hoping they would change their minds. "Look I really wish we could help you with that but we don't have enough power to actually open the gateway that's as far as I could go with the gateway spell and also that's the only part we could grasp from the language, it's not simple. Look at the positive side you now know where your friends are. You know they are safe." Gavin tries to convince them. They are right, the gateway spell did help, finding their friends was the most important task. They could now concentrate on finding the existence of the king of dragons. Which was like looking for another needle in a very large  haystack. "If we find a way to assist you we will." Breanna assures them not satisfied with just helping them find their friends. They both nod in understanding and Leonard hands over the gold coins putting a large smile on Gavin while Breanna shows  gratitude to the red head.  Leonard and Thecla as they wave their goodbyes hoping they will meet again in better circumstances and not just the need to get help.

THE END OF THE BLOODY WAR.6?🐺☑️Complete And Edited.Where stories live. Discover now