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Beam proceed with his idea of inviting P'Win and Forth for dinner to which both of them agreed as they are free but Beam missed to inform both Win and Forth about each other's present for the dinner.

Beam choose a good café for the dinner treat and be the first person to be there.

Sharp 8pm he can see Forth is walking in. Its first time Beam meeting Forth outside campus and quite amazed with Forth's simple yet elegant stylish look. When Forth eyes meet he can feel so kind hotness along with his heart beat which begin to beat faster.

Beam smile awkwardly as he doesn't know how to face Forth his own feeling acting weirdly.

Forth: Hi Beam,
Beam: Hi Forth, take the seat.

The waiter come and ask shall he begin to serve their food as Beam ordered earlier.

Beam: Can serve the drinks, there is one more person joining us.

The waiter nodded.

Forth look at Beam.

Beam: I invited my senior. He helped with my studies so it kind of pay off.

Forth just smile.

Beam saw Win enter the cafe but he couldn't find Beam so he called Beam.

Beam: P'Win here.

Win walked to their table and wonder who is the person who already seat on the table.

Beam smile at him.

Beam: Thank you for coming P'Win, uhmmm this is Forth and Forth this is P'Win.

Beam introduce each other with excitement.
Both Win and Forth look at each other and shake their hands. Everyone take seat and the waiter begin to serve the meal ordered by Beam.

Beam as usual just bring some random topic to make conversation and crack some jokes himself. Both of them look at Beam and smile. Beam started to feel shy when realize both Forth and Win kind of looking at him but he didn't show to them.

At that moment a beautiful women come to their table.

"Mr.Forth, right?'

Forth nodded and stood up from his chair. She gave him a formal hug. From her facial expression it can be seen she is pretty excited. Forth excuse himself and go with the women as she want to introduce him to her husband.

"Is he your boyfriend Beam?" asked Win out of nowhere.

Beam really got surprised with that question but Beam can say P'Win's face is not showing is he is happy.

"No, P .. He is my friend's boyfriend's elder brother and like a good friend to me."

Win smile and silently murmured "that's a relief" to which Beam can actually hear.

Forth back to the table.

Beam: Who is that Forth?
Forth: One of my company's investor and also one of my company project is being handled by her sister's company.

Beam be like awed when he saw how Forth being professional when he talk about business.

Win: You are handling business while studying?
Beam: Yes P', He is managing both his business and studies and also join club and sports activities.

Forth and Win look at Beam and smile. Beam just roll his eyes left and right.

After having their dinner, all of them bid a good bye and walk their cars. Beam realize he don't have Forth's number yet. Even for the dinner invitation, he used Yo as mediator. Beam saw Forth is walking to his car and run to him.

Forth get inside but he able to see Beam. He just waited in the car and lower the windows.

Forth: Yes, Beam

Beam hand over his phone while breathing.

Beam: Number

Forth look at him.

Beam: Your phone number, I don't have it yet.

Forth smile and scan the Qr code to share their contact. Beam thank Forth and goes to his car. He is feeling happy for the day. He just can't wait to share this with Kit and Pha once their class start.

It's finally Monday morning and Beam goes to canteen as usual but today Pha and Kit already there before him. Pha get some souvenirs for him and Kit. Beam immediately jump to share what happen during their dinner.

Kit: Did P'Win say that?
Beam: Yes, I hear that.
Pha: We already told you he got interest on you.

Beam saw Win going to the porridge stall and follow him. He act like he didn't realize Win is standing there.

Win: Beam
Beam: Oh.. P'Win, sawardikap.
Win: Ermm.. Beam, that day after our dinner I saw you goes to Forth's car. You guys had any plan or something.
Beam: No, P' just to give something. Nothing else.

Win smile again. He get the porridge from the passed them to Beam.

"I buy them for you"

saying that Win left the place. Kit who followed behind Beam able to see and hear everything.

Kit: Pha, what Beam say is true.

Beam smile proudly while holding the porridge.

Pha: So, he kind of jealous to see you with Forth.

Beam nodded to what Pha said but at that moment something else crossed his mind and he smirk.

  Beam nodded to what Pha said but at that moment something else crossed his mind and he smirk

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Kit hit on Beam's head.

Kit: Don't play any trick.

Beam: It's a trick but not for play.

Pha: Mean???

Beam: I'm going to ask Forth's help to be my "Counterfeit Love". With the jealous P'Win will eventually approach me.

Pha and Kit look at Beam shockingly.

*~* To Be Continue *~*

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