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Pha is really happy for Beam. He knows how much Beam adores P'Win. He begin to congratulate Beam and ask for treat but little he missed to notice is Beam is smiling but his eyes are not happy.
Pha got call from Yo and left the place. Kit whom noticing everything from start goes to Beam.

Kit: Are you okay?
Beam: Ya.. just little bit headache.

Before Kit could ask further Pha come there.

Pha: Guys, I need your help with Forth.

Just mentioning Forth's name, Kit able to see the changes in Beam's face and his reaction.

"What happen to Forth?" asked Beam eagerly.

Pha: Yo said he is not feeling well. He ask my help to get food for him. Yo went for science camp and will be back by tomorrow. Initially I offered to help but now the Dean is calling for meeting regarding the competition.

Beam without second thought said "I can help".

Kit look at him.

Pha: Kit can you go with Beam also.

Kit: ohh.. I got something to do. I think Beam can manage.

Though Kit have nothing to do. He want to give space for Beam as he already can sense something is off. Pha then share the location to Beam and left the place for meeting.

Kit: Beam, sometime we will like certain things, adore it and think it will be perfect for us but that's doesn't mean that is what our heart wants.

Beam look at Kit. He is not sure why Kit saying something like that out of sudden.

Kit: Remember what I say, it will be useful for you and don't forget ask the forth reason. Please ask him that and don't bug me with that. 

Beam nodded to it but he didn't really interpret the sentence properly. Beam goes and get food for Forth and drives to the location shared by Pha. The moment he reached the location Beam couldn't blink his eyes. Its one of the most expensive condo around the campus area. Beam earlier interpretation never goes wrong. Yo and Forth is really different.

The security look at his phone and look Beam. Seems like Pha already share the details with Yo. The security and company Beam to Forth's house. Beam was expecting a luxury condo. The security help to click the bell and waited for Forth to open the door. Actually it's part of their security measure for the tenants.

Forth open the door and look at Beam. He is shocked but he look pale and tired unlike the usual charming person.

Security: Sir, you have a visitor.

Forth nodded to him and the security left.

Forth: What are you doing here?

"ooooo what a cold stare. Again!!" thought by Beam.

Beam: Forth you can ask them nicely you know?

Beam just push Forth and enter the house shamelessly without the invitation of the house owner. Forth just shook his head and close the door. Beam stand in shock the moment he say the interior of the house. Its not a normal condo house. Its a penthouse house located at top flour with a specular view. 

 Beam: Forth, I know you are rich but you don't waste renting such house for yourself

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Beam: Forth, I know you are rich but you don't waste renting such house for yourself. You know..

Forth again shook his head and goes to seat on his sofa. Beam look for the kitchen and goes to reheat the food he bought. Everything he look for is there but he have to find one by one. Beam set up the food on the dining table and ask the Forth to come.

Forth: I'm not hungry.

Beam: Its okay. Have some food so you can take the medicine. Wait... did you go the clinic yet?

Forth: The doctor visited me.

"yaa... okay... hmm"

Beam: Come and have the food.

Forth come to dining table and food. He stoop after few spoon of porridge. Beam ask him to have more but Forth didn't. Beam then took the spoon bring the porridge to Forth's mouth. Forth look at Beam and slowly open his mouth.

Beam continue to feed Forth but when he notice Forth is staring at him. He feel awkward and some kind weird feeling in his stomach. He stop once Forth mention he can't take more food and gave him the medicine.

Beam's work done but he don't have heart to leave the place. He don't reason to stay there anymore. He goes and get his bag.

Forth: Want to leave already?
Beam: Yes... why?

"I don't feel like leaving Forth but I don't have reason to stay" thought by Beam. 

Forth:............ Just nothing leave it. Thanks for the food. 

 Beam just nodded. Beam then suddenly recalled about there is one reason Forth haven't tell him.

Beam: Forth, I have something to tell and ask you.

Forth just look at Beam.

Beam: Thanks for the surprise birthday celebration and I want to know what is the forth reason for the treat.

Forth face paler and then before. Beam able to understand people feelings based on their face reaction but its totally different with Forth. He never been able to read Forth.

Forth remain silent.

Beam: Forth..
Forth: Oww.. I just want to congratulate you. P'Win finally confessed to you that he loves you.

Beam smile but he clearly know he is not happy with that.


Beam says slowly without any excitement and about to leave the house but Forth hold Beam's hand.

"Can I hug you?"

asked Forth. Beam goes and hug him tightly. Forth hug him back and patted his hair. Beam then leave the house. He goes back to his dorm. He want to talk to someone. He is confused with his feeling. He look at P'Win's picture that he sticked all over his room. He just smile to himself. 

At that moment, Beam received call from Kit. 

Beam: yes Kit. 
Kit: Where are you?
Beam: At my dorm, why?
Kit: Ohhh... by the way did you able to ask the Forth reason. 
Beam: Yes,.. that's for P'Win confessed to me. 
Kit: WHAT!!!
Beam: Why are you shouting Kit?
Kit: Beam... P'Win confessed to you today. 


*~* To Be Continue *~*

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