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Third person P.O.V

"Are you going to be on my arm forever"

" I wish to"

Those moment with Forth keep running in Beam's mind even though it's going to be one week since he meet Forth but in class at side of his eyes he keep stealing glance looking at P'Win who is very much focused on the subject.

"How come P'Win look handsome everyday?"

"Idiot talk slowly" said Kit.

Then only Beam realized he is not talking in his mind but luckily everyone is focused on the video their lecture playing. By chance Beam notice Pha no longer paying his attention to the clip. He seems lost and his face is not lively as before. Beam waited for the class to end.

Beam: Pha, are you okay?
Pha: mmm... ya good.

But honestly his voice doesn't tell he is okay. He been busy with the activities not only him all the third year student been busy with the task being assigned to them and to look after those juniors but still knowing Pha, Beam is sure there is something else bothering him.

Beam: You know you can share with us. Is it about Yo?
Pha: Hmmm..

Beam smile, he guessed it correctly.

Beam: What happen?
Pha: It going to be one week I meet Yo. Ever since his brother join the campus I couldn't have the chance to meet him. Yo scared to tell about our relationship to his brother. I'm happy Yo is really safe now but still I miss him.

Beam look at Kit and think for a while.

Beam: Actually we can go and meet him. We are not going to harm N'Yo or what.

Beam don't wait for Pha to say anything. He just bring Pha and Kit with him since he knows it will be lunch break for Yo. As expected Forth is there with Yo.

Beam: Even he look cold and serious but he is kind of soft with his brother.

Pha and Kit nodded to what Beam said. Three of them walk to the table.

"Oh P'Kit... long time no see"

Shouted a voice, it none other then Ming, Yo's one and only best friend. Kit's annoying enemy. Forth look at them. Rather then a look it can be said a stare. Pha and Yo look at each other.

"Do you have anything to say Yo" asked Forth.

Again the cold and a stern voice from Forth. Even Yo not used with his brother's such tone of voice because Forth don't use such manner with his family and closed one and if he is using means something is not right. Beam and Pha can see the trembles in Yo.

Pha: Its nothing between us.
Forth: I didn't ask you, did I?

None can speak, a silence present there.

Forth: Yo, the question is simple? Do you have anything to say? Yes or No

Beam no longer can take the situation there. He feel pity for Pha and Yo.

Beam: Hello, what kind brother you are? Treating your younger brother like this?

Forth smile.

"Shia, i just witness even smile can be scary" thought by Beam.

Forth: Yo!

At this moment, Yo understand his brother already know everything and there is no point hiding from him.

"If P'Forth is not okay he would do something and will not let it come to this point, it means he wants to me speak" thought by Yo and let out his breath heavily.

Yo: P'Forth, this is P'Pha, my boyfriend.

Everyone present there shocked on how Yo answered to Forth. Especially on the content. There is no changes in Forth's faces. He look at Pha.

Pha: Yes, I love N'Yo. I will take care of him till my last breath.

Forth smile again.

Forth: Okay, I get to hear what I wanted to hear. I'm not anti to these kind relationship but I want both of you to be brave and proud enough of your relationship. So no matter what happen you guys will be strong.

Yo get teary and goes to hug brother. Forth look at Pha.

Forth: Till your last breath right, if you ever hurt my brother I will make sure that happen.

Yo hid on Forth's chest.

Forth: P' just kidding na.

Even though Forth mention he is kidding none believes them. Forth then ask Pha to take care of Yo and goes.

Beam: Yo, your brother leaving the campus?
Yo: No, P' he is doing his third year business management and now he have their club meeting.

Beam: Your brother joining club activities. Will he listen to instruction from others?
Yo: P' my brother is still young. Just his personality is like that. He will give his best on whatever he is into.

Beam: Actually your brother is kinda amazing, he wants both of you open up and also a protective of you.

The remaining four: Yo, Pha, Ming and Kit surround Beam and look at him and smirk. Beam easily can guessed what the others going to say. Before the other open their mouth.

" I only Like P'Win naa"

Beam and Kit goes to help Pha on the moons and stars competition. Pha have to leave earlier as he want to go on dinner with Yo after sometime. Beam managed them well and by 9pm the rehearsal comes to an end. Then, only Beam realized Kit is no longer to be found. Beam looked at his phone and there is a message from Kit.

"Beam, I got something urgent to do.
Sorry na. Will explain later"

"Aiiii,... Kitty I have no transport and you do this to me. You better have a good reason for letting me like this if not i will be kicking your ass tomorrow" thought by Beam and begin to walk. It already 9pm past there won't be any shuttle bus and no taxi allowed to come inside the campus after 9pm.

Beam keep walking while humming his favorite song. While walking Beam couldn't hear footsteps. At first Beam thought it's his but as he slow down his steps, he can hear them loudly. Beam immediately get his pocket knife.

'The footsteps getting closer' thought by Beam.

Before the person could attack him, Beam turn and attack with his pocket knife...

*~* To Be Continue *~*

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