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Pha and Kit don't seem to agree with Beam's idea but both of aware if Beam decided on something then none can change his mind unless he himself wants to change it.

Kit: Beam, do you think it will be fair for Forth?
Beam: I'm not going to play with Forth, Kit. I'm going to explain everything front before ask for his help. If he feels not okay I'm not going to force him.

Pha and Kit just nodded now knowing how things going to end. Beam then texted Forth to meet him. Since, Forth have time in between his class and club meeting he agree to meet Beam.

Beam explained the idea to Forth and totally begged him.

Beam: Forth, please na na na a

Forth keep thinking if things go as Beam planned then it is okay but if goes differently then they might need to face some other consequences.

At that time, a beautiful girl approach them.


Looking at her, Beam knows who is that. She is the Star who won the title last year. Its quite surprising on they way she acted towards Forth. A part from the title winner she also got a pet name as "queen of the campus" because not matter how handsome or rich you are. Its not easy for you to even talk with her more then 10 min.

Forth: Yes, Maple.

'ohhh again the cold stare' thought by Beam.

Maple: P'Forth...

Before she could continue the sentence, she saw Beam's presence so she stop and look at Beam but Beam is not moving anywhere till he get what he wants.

Maple: If you are done talking with P'Forth, can you move P'
Beam: If you have anything to talk then talk with Forth, I'm not moving anywhere.

Beam said with a smile but he don't mean to smile.

Forth: I have nothing to talk with you Maple. I already said no, I'm not interested.
Maple: Fine, P'. Since you are rejecting me. I want a valid reason why "NO".
Forth: I already have someone in my life.

Maple smirk.

Maple: P' do you think am I that stupid to chase someone who already committed. I have done all the investigation complete enough to know that you are still single. Past is already past P'.

Forth: Maybe your investigation isn't accurate enough.
said Forth sarcastically.

Maple: Okay, introduce that person to me. I'll never disturb you again.

Forth already prepared for this but he knows giving reason to Maple won't work. She is adamant kind of person. Forth look at Beam.

Forth: Fine, the person is here.

Maple shocked along with Beam. Forth look at Beam and nodded. Beam smile awkwardly without knowing what Forth is planning.

Maple look at Beam, while her face turn red then walk away from there.

Beam: Forth, what is this? She is not someone to mess with.

Forth: No worries, I can manage her. Come back to you. Since you want me to help you to be your "counterfeit love" you should do the same for me till I can get rid of Maple. Win – win situation for both of us, you will have your P'Win and I'll get rid of Maple.

Beam looked blur. He doesn't expecting something like this would turn up.

Forth: Deal?

Beam just nodded.

Forth just smile.

"This is why Yo told me not use his brother, he is business minded person" thought by Beam but its kind of to late. The incident happen in the canteen begin to appear as a topic of gossip in their student pages since it is related with Maple and someone rejecting her seems to be seen as miracle.

The next day, when Beam back to his class – Everyone look at him and start gossiping among themselves. Beam feels weird, he look at P'Win. Some kind of anger can be seen in his face.

Beam: Pha, Kit... I feel like I made a mistake.

Kit hit on Beam's head.

Kit: We tell you earlier. Idiot.
Beam: I should choose someone else. Not Forth.
says Beam sadly.

"ooooiiii this guy not going change, don't know what else going to happen' says Kit.

Pha: Beam, be ready for more. Not only Maple interested with Forth. There is a lot people who going behind Forth actually. They even have secret group for Forth. Yo secretly sneaked into the group so if anything he can help his brother and knowing Forth likes you not all are happy. Some begin to ship you guys but a lot are not happy.

Hearing this Beam become shocked. Beam couldn't concentrate on his class anymore. He start thinking of ending this gossips but he already promised Forth to help each other.

"But Forth didn't tell me, he have so many people chasing him' thought by Beam.

Once the class end, Win walked to Beam.

Win: Can I have 5minute with you?

Beam just looked at nodded. Pha and Kit leave the place quietly but they still wait at the corridor.

Beam: Yes, P'
Win: You said there is nothing between you and Forth, what is this now?

Beam can feel the jealous vibes from Win.

Beam: I'm close with Forth and people begin to make story P'.
Win: Really?
Beam: yes, Forth is new to this campus. He don't have much friend.

The reason might be convincing Win for the moment and his face become normal.


Knowing the voice, Beam get shocked.

"Forth" sounded Beam.
Forth smile nicely. 

Forth: Done talking, lets go.

saying that Forth rub Beam's hair and get his bag from him. Forth, then place his hand on Beam's shoulder and bring him there.

*~* To Be Continue *~*
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