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The next day morning, everyone get busy with the photoshoot for the moons and stars. Forth's face which seems to be happy and glowing in the morning suddenly changed. He doesn't want to join the others for the photoshoot and remain to stay in the resort. Beam know Forth face change after receiving a phone call. He isn't sure whether to ask about it to Forth or not but he is sure Forth doesn't want others to worry.

Beam follow the others to the place where they decide for photoshoot and silently sneak out of the place and back to the resort.

The moment he back to the resort he was shocked to see a handsome tall guy hugging Forth.

"What is going on here?" shouted Beam.

The voice was quite harsh and loud to make the other two stunned. Upon looking at Beam, Forth feel relaxed.

Forth: Ohh.. Beam, you make sacred for a moment. Why did you come here now?

Though Forth saying that but that doesn't stop Beam from staring at the new person at the place now. He is not happy looking at the person.

"Who is this?" Asked Beam while looking at him

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"Who is this?"

Asked Beam while looking at him. From his look, Beam can say the person in front him is scary and fearless.

"His boyfriend, do you have any issue with that?" mention the new person. Beam felt angry and wanted to punch him.

"OFCOURSE, HE IS MINE', saying that Beam wanted to punch him but Forth come and hold Beam.

Beam: Forth let go my hand.

Beam slowly realize the scary person now smiling along with Forth. He look more handsome when he smile.

Forth: P'Mew, enough. Pity my boyfriend. Don't tease him too much.

Mew: Oh.. hooo...

Forth: Beam,.. this is P'Mew. My brother, cousin, and friend. He is all rounder.

Mew: Boyfriend too.

Forth: I will tell P'Gulf.

Mew: Okay.. okay.. Hi N'Beam.

Beam greeted Mew and hit Forth for playing with him. Forth feel much better now. He is relaxed compare to earlier.

Before Beam could ask further, they hear someone knocking the door. Beam notice Forth looking at Mew and there is some kind tension.

Forth: Beam come and stand here. If anything happen just run towards the room. Okay?

Beam: What is happening?

Forth: Everything will be okay. Don't worry. Just remember what I say.

Beam then only notice Mew having a two gun behind his back. Beam realizes there is something serious. Forth goes and open the door. The door was slammed hardly but Forth able to walk back to Mew quickly. Few men wearing black walk in then followed by a old man looking creepy and Kart.

From the way of looking Beam can tell they are not good people.

Mew: Long time no see... Nawat.

The old and the rest shocked and surprised to see Mew there. Some even begin to sweat and even the old man voice tremble.

Nawat: Mew!!!... Mew what.. what are you doing here?


The moment Mew asked it give chills to others. 

Nawat: I'm here to know why he killed my son. I'm not here for any illegal thing.

 Mew: I'm here for my brother.

Nawat look at his son.

Kart: I have no idea, Forth have elder brother.

Nawat know there is no point talking with Mew. He just want to finish of his business. He give signals to his boys.

Mew able to catch the eyes contact.

"Don't be stupid Nawat!!!. You think I will be here without any preparation. When I can know you will be here today. Do you think you just leave like that after doing whatever business you plan to do" say Mew sternly. He look way for scary then everyone there.

Mew: Take your seat. I have something to talk before you decide what to do.

Nawat have no choice. He is know Mew is scary and none from dark world dare to mess with him. Nawat seat and Mew ask Forth to bring his laptop.

Nawat: I'm not saying what my son did is right but killing him is not right. I didn't know you will support something like this.

Mew smiled and play a video for them. Its the CCTV footage from the place where the incident happen.

"The place got CCTV" shouted Kart.

Forth smile.

Forth: My place is always secured.

Beam walk and stand beside Forth.

Mew played three different CCTV footage. Where it show Forth's people bringing Max to their place, beating him up next sending him back to his condo and there third group talking nicely with Max and finally burning him in Forth's place.

Mew: So, Nawat. Let me tell you. Its not Forth's people. They are my people. After beating up your son I ask them to send him back. You know me and my people better.

Nawat: So, it means someone else killed him and used the chance.

Mew: Correct. By the way, your son is not a good person he have a lot enemies. Who knows the person can be in your own group as well.

Mew said that looking at Kart.

Nawat: Do you know who is that?

Mew: Make a police complain. I will help to investigate then.

Mew clearly knows these people will never make police complain and left the place. The moment the leave the room only, Nawat and people notice the resort already surrounded by armed men.

Nawat asked Kart to investigate further and not to disturb Forth and others anymore. Kart nodded to what is father said but then he received a message from unknown number asking him to go back to the room if he wants to know the real killer.

Kart walk back to Forth's room. He look nervous now.

Mew: Take a seat.

Kart seat in front of Mew while Forth and Beam looking at them.

Mew: You want to know the real killer who killed your brother don't you.

Kart: Y..e..s... y..es..

Kart slowly said. His voice trembled badly.

Mew took a picture and put on the table. It's Kart's picture.

Mew: Have a look. He is the real killer.

Forth and Beam got shocked but Kart just smirk.

"ahhh... Yes, yes... I killed my own brother. I killed him with my own hand. He don't deserve to live in this world" shouted Kart.

*~* To Be Continue *~*

Hi Guys,
So how it going?...
The story going to reach its ends soon. 
I'm so excited. 

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