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Beam get surprised with what Kit reminded him but before he do something he want to settle the thing with P'Win first. 

The next day he goes to his class as usual but Beam saw P'Win is waiting for him. Beam knows its not fair for P'Win if he kept him hanging like this. Beam walks to Win.

Win smile at him. Beam smiles back.

Beam: Good Morning P'
Win: Morning..
Beam: P' I have something to talk with you.

Win nodded to him and goes to roof top since its better to have private conversation.

Win: Yes, Beam.
Beam: P' actually I'm not sure how to say it but I feel its not fair for you if I kept quite.

Win smirk.

Win: You are going to reject me right?

Beam is kind of shocked but he felt better not telling those words himself.

Beam: uhhhmmm.
Win: Actually Beam, what is your problem? Why you are rejecting me?

Beam slowly start to feel the difference in Win's manner. He don't see the cool man he knows before.

Beam: Its not I'm rejecting you P'. I'm just confuse with my heart.

Win smirk again and say "Take your time, I don't have any issue with that. At the end what I want to listen is I love you P' that's it. Once I like something it should be mine".

Beam get chills hearing this. It sound so creepy for him. Win gets closer to Beam. He then hold both Beam's hand. Beam start to feel uncomfortable. He try to push but he is not strong enough to push Win.

"BEAM!!" shouted someone.

Beam and Win turn to see Kit and Pha standing there.

Win change his look and smile normally looking at them. He just rub Beam's hair and left the place.

Beam feel so relieved looking at Pha and Kit there. Since, Kit is aware of what is going on with Beam, he is sure Beam will be rejecting P'Win. So he tag Pha along to follow behind Beam and Win in case anything happen.

Pha: Beam, what's wrong with you? Are you really rejecting P'Win?

Kit: Pha, before we talk about it... can you see how he is treating Beam? He is scary? No matter what, even he is your husband or wife, you shouldn't be touching someone without their permission.

Pha keep quite, he know it not a good idea to argue with Kit when he is angry. Beam go and hug Kit. Three of them decided to skip their class and go out. Pha drives his car to a café which quite far from their university. Beam couldn't stop thinking the person he crush so long behaving like this to him.

The reached the café. The café have perfect ambience for private conversation. Three of them make their drinks order.

Pha: Beam, what is happening? Did I missed anything?

Kit: You keep your question for later Pha. Let me ask first?

Pha felt annoyed with Kit but he is know Kit is the most genius in reading someone so he have to let Kit do the work.

Kit: Beam, do you like Forth?

"What?" shouted Pha.

Kit just stare at Pha and Pha kept his mouth shut.

Beam: hmmm.. I'm not sure whether I like Forth or not but I feel something different being with Forth. At first, I don't like him but the more I know him. I felt the difference.

Kit just smile.

Kit: "I'm not sure" is already big signal that there is something you need to figure out.

Beam: But how?

Kit think for a while and smile.

Kit: "Coming weekend we are going for the Star n Moon photoshoot at the beach resort and I think we can make Forth join the trip. Use the chance to know what you want.

Beam can feel he is happy knowing he can spend time with Forth and excitedly goes to get a cake for them. Pha look at Kit.

Pha: What are you doing Kit?
Kit: Why? he likes Forth... just he can't see them.

Pha: But Forth also need to like him right.
Kit: Pha,.. who won't like Beam. I'm sure Forth do have feelings for Beam. Just Beam's play for P'Win spoiled them.

Pha: Aiii... Kit. You don't know what you are getting into. Forth going to get engaged next month.

Kit smile and goes to Beam to get his cake.

*~* To Be Continue *~*

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