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Everyone look serious with what Forth had told them. Forth doesn't want to share with them but Yo overhear his conversation with his Pa. Forth smile at them.

Forth: Nothing to worry guys. Everything is under control.

Yo smile and knows if his brother saying them means he is sure that Forth already have way for the issue. He ask Pha to go and start the activity for the moons and stars. Everyone goes to help Pha but Beam decided to stay with Forth. He want to talk with Forth.

Forth: You don't want to join them?

Beam: I want to stay with you for a while. Want coffee?

Forth smile and nodded.

Beam goes and mix the coffee for both them. He bring the cup and pass to Forth. Beam able to see Forth is deep thinking while drinking the coffee.

Forth: Are you admiring me?

Beam: What will you do if I say yes?

Forth: Question for a question?

Beam just nodded happily. Both of them drink the coffee and go for a walk around the beach next to the resort. They seat down by the shore and look at the sunset. The environment seems very calm and peaceful.

Forth: Life is not always they way we wanted. Sometime we expect something but we get something in opposite and sometime we not expecting anything but we get the thing we wanted the most. 

Beam couldn't understand what Forth trying to convey but he just nodded. 

Both of them enjoy the peaceful moment. Beam at moment felt them being watched, at first he decided to ignore those feeling but after sometime he couldn't. He ask Forth to go and see what the rest is doing.

By the time they both reach the spot, Pha and team almost finish their activity and wrapping the day. Everyone's eyes fall on Forth and Beam who came together.

"Using campus money for own benefit" sound one of the senior in Win's group. While Kart and rest just smirk looking at them.

Beam felt guilty hearing them though he knows they are not using the campus money.

Pha doesn't the issue to grow further but he got something to make the rest shut.

Pha: Okay guys, I don't want to take anymore time. We have prepare buffet dinner for everyone and I would like thank "Forth" for his sponsorship and also I would like to add Forth's Father Mr.Jaturapoom is our main sponsor this year for the event. Lets give a clap.

Forth look those face fading face looking at him. He just ignored them and bring Beam with him by holding his hand. Kart able to notice a small facial changes on Win's face.

Kart: Are you okay, Win?

Win: Yaa.. I'm good. Is there anything else I should do for today?

Kart: No.. go and eat.

Though Win able to say that but Kart feel there is something wrong Win's action lately. All of them go to have the dinner back to their room. Pha, Kit and with some other seniors prepare the plan for tomorrow photoshoot.

Beam felt boring and he have something he really wanted ask Forth for quite sometime. He goes to Forth whom seems to be enjoying the sea view from their balcony.

Beam: Forth..

Forth: Yes..

Beam: Shall we go for a walk?

Forth look at the sky which seem to pour anytime soon but looking at Beam's face Forth nodded. Beam inform Kit and both of go out of the resort. This experience seems to be different from earlier walk. Windy night with clouds covering the moons which bring the darkness.

Both of them walk for quite some distance but neither of them open their mouth. Forth was expecting Beam to open his mouth but Beam isn't sure is it right to talk about it but he want to know and decided to open his mouth.

Beam: Forth, I want to ask something?

Forth look at Beam.

Beam: Do you have something to say to me.

Forth: Something?

Beam: Something,... you want to say but you don't have chance of saying or something you waiting for years to say.

Forth is shocked hearing them. He look at Beam's eyes.

Forth wanted to say "No nothing" but before he open his mouth.

"Don't say no Forth... I already saw the frame in your house when I visited you last time" said Beam.

Forth's eyes get wider and become speechless.

Beam: Tell something Forth,... why you leave me just like that without saying anything and now why you are keeping the picture till now?

Forth's eyes get teary and close his eyes.

All his memories awaken back.

Forth: I don't mean to leave you without saying anything. I just don't want you to hate me or feel disgust about me.

Beam: I don't understand why would I going to hate you or feel disgust about you.

Forth goes and hug Beam. Forth don't know what he should he say. He is already shocked knowing Beam still remember him. The rain begin to drizzle but both of them didn't move.

Forth: I'm sorry.

Beam hug Forth back.

Forth: I'm really sorry... I don't want you to hate me.

Every time Forth said sorry their hug become closer. Beam cupped Forth's face.

"I don't know what happen, I don't know why you leave me, I don't know why when we meet again we acted as stranger, I don't know why I asked you to become my fake boyfriend to get P'Win, I don't why know why after I meet you P'Win become nothing for me, I don't know what is your feeling for me but all I want to say is I LOVE YOU Forth" saying them Beam kiss Forth's lips. 

The watch begin its ticking sound showing its "11.11pm" but the sound go missing in the heavy rain and immense kissing. 

*~* To Be Continue *~*

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