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Third person P.O.V

"Who is Phana here?"

From the voice, Beam knows who is the person. He can't hide his excitement anymore. He start feel nervous. Pha turn and saw P'Win standing there handsomely in his uniform.

Win gave a small smile looking at Pha.

Pha: P'Win, you don't recognize me?

Win: I feel the name is familiar but I know use as Pha only so Phana sounds like someone else.

Pha: Welcome back P.

Pha goes and give a hug to Win. All of them from the same high school and Win is like a respectful senior for Pha and their team.

Pha: P' you need anything?

Win: Yes, Pha... I already got approval for rejoining and made my payment but still can't log in to the University Website. Dr.On ask me to get the schedule and lecture notes from you first. He said since the juniors are coming it might take sometime.

Pha: Sure, P' I can help.

Kit found this as good chance and kick Pha's leg and give him signal. Pha understood the meaning.

Pha: Oh.. P' I have the duty for the moons and stars competition now. Beam can you help P'Win.

Beam get shocked but noticing P'Win looking at him. He just nodded.

Pha: Then just help him to print the necessary things.

Again Beam just nodded. He didn't expect thing will turn out to be like this on the first day itself.

Kit: Beam go to library next to the Business Faculty. There you can excess the website and they have printing service to.

Beam just walk and Win followed behind him. Win found it awkward from the way the younger behaves but he don't have anything to say. Once they reach the library, Beam find a computer and log in to his account. Beam really don't want to communicate with Win. He is scared he might shutter or do something way more embarrassing but he have to.

Beam: P' here is the schedule.

Win approach closer and look at the desktop. Butterflies begin spread crazily in Beam's stomach.

Win: Can you print for me?

Beam: Sure P'. I already print it together with the lecture notes for the entire week.

Win is shocked to hear for entire week.

Win: Entire week?

Beam: hmmmm yes P'. Just incase. You know.

Beam couldn't speak he try to escape.

Beam: Uhh P' I will get the printed notes. Wait here.

Saying that Beam walk as fast he could. Literary his brain is blank and his eyes is not focused enough. He missed to see the flipped carpet which make him slipped.


Beam knows he going to fall and get hurt. He closes his eyes tightly. Even after sometime, he don't feel any pain and feel safe. He heard a voice.

"Are you okay"

The voice is not familiar enough but Beam can say it have a very strong vibes.
Beam open his eyes and there stand a handsome looking guys. His face is cold enough with sharp facial features and tanned skin. The vibes he presenting is very strong but the eyes is very attractive despite the cold stare. 

"Are you going to be on my arm forever"

Again asked the person. Beam get annoyed even though he know he have show some gratitude, he purposely said "I wish to"

At that time his watch begin its ticking sound. Beam stand up and saw his watch it shows "11.11am".

Even before Beam could thank the person in opposite. The person walk away leaving Beam in confused state. Beam goes and get the printed document and goes to P'Win. Beam completely lost in his thought. Win make the payment for the print outs.

Win: Thanks for your help, Beam

Win: Beam...

Win: Beam..

Beam: Uh, yes P', sorry I'm thinking something. Do you need anything else?

Win: No, I just wanted to Thank you. What about a cup of coffee?

Beam just nodded.
Win order hot coffee for him and Beam ordered hot chocolate. Their order served, Beam can't initiate a conversation and Win busy with his phone. Beam boringly look his left and right. He got surprised to see someone placing their hand on Yo. He can't really look at Yo but he doesn't want another problem for Yo. So he quickly walk to that table.

Beam: Excuse me, can you take of your hand from Yo!!!

Beam surprised to see the guy who saved him from the slip again and Yo is kind of comfortable. The guy stand-up immediately with his cold stare.

"Shia, I don't think just a stare can give me chills" thought by Beam but he still stand there because he feels he have the responsibility to protect his nong.

Yo: Calm down, calm down P'Forth, P'Beam. Please both of you seat down.

Hearing Yo's calm voice both Forth and Beam able to understand the opposite party is not their threat.

Yo: P'Beam, this is P'Forth my very own loveable elder brother and P'Forth this is P'Beam. He is my senior and one of the person who helped their other day. So, he is kind of afraid something would happen again.

Forth and Beam nodded.

Beam able to tell what Pha tell is true, Forth is not a person who could mess with. He don't speak but his stare can convey many things.

Forth: Thanks for helping my brother. You can always ask any help from me.

The cold stare now become soft now. The voice is still stern but not scary as before. Beam just smile.

Beam: I guess you already helped in the library just now.

Yo: P' You want to drink anything?

Then only Beam realize he come with P'Win. Beam immediately say goodbye to them and walk to his previous table but Win is not there anymore. He pays the bill and left a note "Thank you". Beam sadly walk back to his faculty.

Kit: Hey, how's it? Did you manage to talk with P'Win?

Beam: Yes, but something else happened.

Beam share what happen.

Pha: It's okay, P'Win will be in our class. You'll have another chance or we will make it for you. Don't be upset.

To be true Beam is not really upset with P'Win leaving the place. Meeting P'Win alone can make Beam dance in joy what would be if he could spend sometime with him. Beam is more to confused with what he told Forth and his believes with the time "11.11"

*~* To Be Continue *~*
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