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Forth and Beam look at each other.

Kart: I don't want to live such life but I have no choice. Whatever, Max did will come under my name. I try to bring him in right path but I couldn't make. Even knowing his character and behavior. I introduce my girl friend, Fern to him. At first he seems to be nice with her and polite. I never thought he would do that to her. After few weeks, I slowly notice changes in Fern's behavior. She avoided to meet me. She look sick and become thin. The only news I received was Fern committed suicide. At first, I don't know why she take such decision but before she committed suicide she send me a voice note telling what Max did to her. He used my name to ask Fern go out, drugged her and rape her. He even blackmail her with clip recording to do as he wish. I might not be able to save but I can do justice for her. If I tell my dad nothing would happen. I waited for my opportunity where he start to look after Yo. I try my best to save him from time to but when I saw people taking him and beating him. I take the opportunity.

Mew goes to Kart and hug him. Kart begin to cry harder.

Mew: I already disposed all the evidence. Your father can't find any. Live your life in a good way.

Kart hug Mew and thank him and leave the place.

Forth: Now I got the answer I always wonder. When he take revenge directly why he using such way.

Beam: He is not a bad guy after all.

Mew: Yes, he doesn't want to get caught by his father but at same time he doesn't want you guys to get hurt as well. He manipulating his father and if he didn't do anything his father will suspect him.

Forth goes and hug Mew.

Forth: Thank you so much P'. Finally all the issue solved.

Mew smiled at Forth and slowly whispered at Forth's ears "really, all the issue solved"

Forth whispers back "I can manage that, no problem".

Beam: What both of whispering?

"Nothing" both Mew and Forth said at same time.

Before Beam could ask further. Yo, Pha and the remaining back to room. Yo become excited seeing Mew there. He goes and hug P'Mew and Mew lift him in air making Pha jealous.

All of them have their lunch together and Beam shared what happen but Mew already mentioned not to share anything about Kart and scene to others.

Upon completing the shooting all of them back to campus.

All of them begin become busy with the moon and star competition as it getting nearer. They also get the news form Kart that he is going overseas to study. He wanted to say sorry and thank them for the last time.

All of them enjoy the preparation for the event, Beam at times felt pity for Forth as he managing his business, studying and even joining the activity and most importantly taking good care of him. It's the night before the big day. All the juniors are rehearsing and seniors are decorating the room and making arrangement.

All of them extremely tired but still all playing and smiling. Beam in the hall painting the the board for cheers. He saw Forth walking towards him handsomely. All the juniors eyes fall on him. He is looking more handsome in his messy hair. As all of them used with his neatly styled hair.

 Beam: Hi handsome

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Beam: Hi handsome...

Forth smiled at him and give him the food he bought for Beam.

Forth: Eat and continue your work.

Beam and Forth walks to canteen to eat. There he saw Win with other seniors. Some smiling at them and some even asking for Forth's number but Beam know lately Win's expression was off. Beam wanted to talk Win. After having his meal he tell Forth he want to talk with Win. Forth nodded but still looking at Beam from far.

Beam: P'Win, I want to talked with you.

Win: Beam, I wanted to talk with you for sometime but I don't have the courage to go to you.

Beam: Tell me P'

Win: Kart tell me everything. I'm sorry for hurting you. I know I shouldn't use love as a bait.

Beam: It's okay P'. It is one of the reason why I got Forth back to me.

Win: Will you forgive me?

Beam: I already did that P'. Be normal and enjoy you life.

Beam smile and go with Forth. While Win's friend go to him.

"Did you tell him your feeling to him"

"He is happy with Forth, Let him be happy. If Forth can't take good care of him in future I will be there for him." Said Win and move.

Finally, its the big day of their campus. Everyone dressed up well and the environment filled up so much happiness. All of them seat inside the hall and enjoying the performance from the juniors. Out of no where, Beam saw Forth on the stage. He knows there is special performance but Forth didn't say he will be the one performing them with his mates from his faculty.

Forth: Hi Everyone, this song is very special for me and I want you to hear them.

Forth's eyes look at Beam.

Forth: Listen to the lyrics. That's how I feel about you.

All of my heart will be only for you.

Beam's eyes get tears. He know Forth loves him but this is too much for him to handle. Kit tapped on Beam's shoulder. He immediately walk to behind stage to meet Forth. Beam run and hug him. Forth pulls Beam to the car parking and didn't say anything. He pull towards Beam towards him and lock his lip with Beam's. Beam not shocked with Forth's action but he begin to enjoy the kiss.

Forth drive Beam back to his penthouse. Forth's patient only long last till entering the house. The moment they enter the house Forth carry Beam to his bed. Forth continue to kiss and slowly moves to taste the neck. Both getting excited and can feel their member getting rock hard. Beam didn't even realize when he got naked. He is totally in is Forth's encounter. The begin to feel the hotness and warmth of each other as the continue to rub against their body.

Forth grab the lubricant and look at Beam. He knows Beam is still scared of it. Looking at Forth being hesitant. "Forth go ahead, I want you in me" upon getting the assurance from Beam, Forth begin to bite Beam's neck and ear which make Beam forget about his lower part. He slowly get inside Beam. It hurts but Beam doesn't Forth to stop. Beam want it more and more. They reached their peak of pleasure.

Forth look at Beam. He moves Beam and makes him lay on his chest and whisper "Beam.... I love you so much" Forth then kiss my Beam's head.  

*~* THE END*~*

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*~* THE END*~*

Hi Guys, 
Thanks for reading this story. 
Hope you guys enjoy them. 

My next story will be "The Eternal Love" Earth and Mixx as lead

and when Forth's fiancé return it will be time for "The Counterfeit 2" 

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