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Third person P.O.V

Beam turn to attack the person who seems to be closer with him but the person on opposite was quick enough to avoid the attack and push Beam.

Beam who was not ready for the return attack got slipped but to shocked him the person hold his hand on time before Beam's body reach the ground. The street light fall on the person's face and Beam able to look the face clearly now.

Its none other then Forth.

They look at each others eyes and Beam's heart begin to beat faster. Forth pulls Beam's hand to make him stand again but the pulls was strong enough to make Beam end up hugging Forth...

Beam in Forth's embrace for sometime before him realizing and awkwardly take few steps back. Forth on they other hand just standing straight with a thin smile on his face which make him look way more handsome.

 Forth on they other hand just standing straight with a thin smile on his face which make him look way more handsome

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"Why my heart beating like this, it should be because of the sudden encounter, nothing else" thought by Beam

"What are you doing here now" both Beam and Forth asked the same question at the same time. Both of them smile.

Forth: I just finished the Club meeting.

Beam: The moons and stars competition rehearsal just got ended.

Forth nodded.

Beam: By the way are you walking back to dorm?

Forth: hmm... no I don't stay in the dorm. I'm staying outside the campus. I'm walking to the Parking lot on next building. Earlier I couldn't find the parking near my faculty.

Beam: ermmmm

Forth: How about you?

Beam explained his situation and Forth just smile on how Beam being expressive when he shares his story.

Forth: Let me send you to your dorm.

Beam: I don't want trouble you.

Forth: That's fine.

Forth and Beam walk to his car. Beam is pretty aware that Yo is from a rich family but he keep his profile low but Beam can say that pretty opposite with Forth. From look and appearance one can say Forth is rich with his accessories and stuff but its more shocking looking at Limited Edition Bugatti. Beam remember the gossip someone driving Bugatti to campus.

Beam: Nice car.

Forth: Thanks. Get in.

"ouch...ssh"... sounded Forth. Then only he realize that his hand is bleeding. He got slightly hurt from Beam's pocket knife.

Beam notice it and feel guilty of his act. He immediately get Forth's hand.

Forth: What are you doing? Slowly...

Beam always carries medicated iodine with him just incase of emergency. He took the tissue and wipe of the blood stain and apply the iodine. Its gives burning sensation to Forth.

Beam: Don't look at the wound, look somewhere.

Beam then took his handkerchief and tied up the hand. Beam whom being focus on treating the wound feels Forth is looking at him. Beam raise his head up and look at Forth's face. There is no more the cold personality who he meet their other day.

After sometime Beam shock his head and said "It's done"

Beam: Can you drive?

Forth: Not a big deal.

Forth start driving and remembered he haven't took his dinner yet but he want to send off Beam to his dorm first then he only recalled Beam saying he just done with the rehearsal.

Forth: Beam, do you had your dinner?

Beam: Errm haven't.

Forth didn't ask or say anything then. He just stop by the noodle restaurant behind the campus. Mostly the customer for the restaurant will be students.

Forth: Lets have dinner then.

Saying that Forth turn of the car engine get out of the car. So no choice for Beam, he have to follow him. Both of them go and take seat a table and a waiter with wide smile approached them. She keep looking at Forth and smile sheepishly. Even after Forth gave his order the girl still didn't look at Beam to ask for his order. Beam snap his fingers to get her attention and gave his orders.

While waiting for their food, Beam just randomly pick topics to talk with Forth and he is kind of amazed the more he talk with Forth the better the conversation become. Forth knows how to make the conversation become more interesting only if he is interest to.

Beam and Forth had their dinner but Beam keep having the feeling someone is staring at them. He looks around but none look suspicious. After having their dinner Forth drive Beam back to his dorm as Beam tells him the route.

Beam: Thank you so much Forth. I don't know if I would get back to dorm safely if you didn't gave me a lift earlier.

Forth smile.

Beam look at Forth and bring his index finger towards corner of Forth's lips. He pressed them and say " You know you can look way better if smile widely"

His phone begin to ringing and makes Beam realize what he is doing. Beam get back to his seat and look at his phone. It's his mum.

"Thanks Forth. I will treat you for your help. Bye, Good Night" saying that Beam get out of Forth's car and goes while answering the call.

*~* To Be Continue *~*

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