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All of them reach the resort and wait for the room keys. Pha goes to meet the manager. He is surprise to know the number of room he booked earlier and present in the document submitted is different and purposely Beam's name is place with Win and Forth's name isn't in the list. Pha can't argue much with manager because he is the one sign those document. Pha asked whether there is any extra room but the manager replied all the rooms are booked. Pha asked about room sharing but the manager denied on his request.

Pha come with the key and hand over the list of room sharing with others. Pha already sense it kind of preplan as Kart and Win eagerly waiting for Pha to say it.

All the moons star take their room keys and goes their room. Leaving only Forth, Beam, Pha, Yo, Kit, Ming, Win and Kart.

Win walked to Beam and said "So Beam, you are sharing the room with me?"

Beam shocked hearing this and look at Pha as he know Pha already place him the room sharing with Forth, Yo and him.

Forth look at Kart and saw him smiling.

"Shall we go?" asked Win and Beam look at Forth who don't seem saying anything but his face seems calm and composed.

At the moment, the manager run to them and call for Pha.

Manager: We got special permission to let you to use the Family Chamber. Its belongs our owner and so far only his family used it. He gave us permission to let you guys used it. Sorry if earlier I said something wrong.

Mentioning that the manager gave the key and walk from there tensely.

Pha feel relieved and happy, but everyone can see an obvious facial changes on Win and Kart's face. They just walk from there to their room. The remaining goes the family chamber. Its so luxury and comfortable. Everyone get refreshed and seat in balcony to discuss.

Beam: How the list change Pha?

Pha: I'm not sure either but it got my signature and the manager is so rude to me but then he become so polite. I'm confused.

Yo: No need get confuse P'Pha, the moment you text me the issue, I already call my Pa. The owner of this resort is my Pa's friend. I got come with Pa for dining here.

Beam: Thanks to your Pa but what is really happening. I'm so confused. P'Win, P'Kart out of no where.

Kit: Ya... P'Kart is so suspicious. He is dangerous as well. Forth, you are aware of all this right.

All of them look at Forth who seems quite since they reach the resort.

Beam: What you mean Forth aware of all this, Kit?

Kit: Even last when Win bring you to the roof top, I know something is off but Forth is the one text me and asked me to follow you.

Beam got surprised, before he could asked, Forth received a call and he walk out of the room.

"I think I'll share what I know first" suddenly mentioned by Yo.

Yo take a heavy breath.

Yo: I guess you all still remember "Max".

Three of them started to feel uneasy hearing the name. Pha move closer to Yo.

Kit: Yo, you don't have to talk if its not okay.

Yo: Its necessary P'. I think P'Beam need to know what is going around him.

Ming: Who is Max?

Asked Ming as he just got transferred to this university this year.

Yo: Max is my senior in my faculty. He is one who helped me with my moon competition and many things but things started to get weird as he came to know about my relationship with P'Pha. He likes me but at first itself I already inform him that I got someone in my life but he take is as joke. Slowly he begin to force me and ask me to go out with him. He come to room in middle of night and even try to misbehave. Luckily, P'Pha come and save me. At first, I didn't tell anything about it to P'Forth but somehow P'Forth came to know the story. He arrange some people to keep an eye on me and warn Max. Things begin to change and Max didn't disturb me anymore. I think he changed but it was just a trap. He is waiting for a moment.

Yo hold on Pha's hand firmly.

Yo: One evening after class he come to me and apologize. I said its okay and try to go from him but one after one his friends begin to come in the class and lock the room none left in the class room.

Ming get panicked.

Ming: I don't want to hear anymore.

He goes and hug Yo.

Yo: Listen Ming, who knows you can help us. They begin hold me and set up the camera to record. They removed my shirt and before they could proceed. P'Beam enter the room via the window. He able to stop them but then they begin to fight with him. We only able to fight but he couldn't manage to run. However, the people P'Forth arrange to eye on me come in and beat all of them. They took all of them with them.

Ming: Brave, P'Beam and clever P'Forth.

Pha: The issue already solved and all of them left the university right. Why with that issue now?

Yo: Got P'Pha,... They don't left the university by their own. P'Forth make them to leave and most importantly the reason P'Forth come to study here is not only because of that.

Beam: Then?

Yo: Max is dead.

Kit: What!!!

All of them shocked.

Pha: Really? Why you didn't tell me?

Yo: Only recently I came to know P'. P'Forth didn't tell me as well.

Forth walk inside the room.

Pha: Did the people arrange by Forth kill him?

Forth: No,.. I already check with them. They are professional and certified bodyguards. They know their limit. It's not their work but it happen on the same day my people took him to my place and the murder happen in my place and I came to know Max is not a ordinary person. His father is someone in black business.

Kit: What!!

Forth: Yes... no police complaint made on Max dead but i'm they wont let things just go like that.

Beam: OMG, but wait I don't understand why it have to do with me, P'Win and P'Kart?

Forth smile.

Forth: The main three person involve in this issue was me, Yo and you. If you don't come in and save my brother that day. Max would do what he want and escaped after that. Myself and my people are eyeing on you and Yo all these time and Win activity is very suspicious along with Kart. Every time Kart meet him, the next time Win will be doing something with you. When you asked for help to act as your fake boyfriend I used that to get closer with you. At first, I'm not sure why Win and Kart being suspicious for me but I got my answer now.

Beam: What? What is that?

Forth: Kart is Max's elder brother........

*~* To Be Continue *~*

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