Going Up

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Luke and Julie were still looking at each other in silence, and Julie was just going to say something but then Reggie came in through the doors with a big smile on his face. "Hey guys.", he said happily.

   "What are you so happy about?", Alex asked.

   "I just had a conversation with Carlos.", he casually said and they all looked at him clueless, his eyes landed on Julie as he realized he would have to explain more. "By notes, we wrote to each other on paper. He had tons of questions about us, and I was more than happy to tell him.".

   "And nobody saw you two?".

   "We were in his room, so no.".

   "Luke, could I talk to you? Outside?", Julie asked, looking at Luke and he nodded, putting away his guitar on the table and following Julie outside the garage.

   Julie and Luke looked at each other, they got pretty close casually and they chuckled smiling at each other. "What is it Jules?".

   "I just feel like we haven't really talked since since last night, and I think we should get it out.".

   "Get what out? The promise?".

   "We were on our way on doing something before my dad came and interrupted us, or am I wrong about that?".

   He chuckled nervously, looking down while smiling. "No... no, yo-you aren't wrong.".

   "I feel like ever since we discovered that we all can now touch and feel each other, we have been thinking that we would be closer, but because of Caleb going into Nick's body... that didn't quite happen, and then Violet came in-".

   "You're saying it's Violet's fault we aren't that close anymore?".

   "No, oh god no. I love that Violet have walked into your life and have been there when I couldn't... mainly because of her uncle. I just... I hope the connection between us is still there.".

   "Of course it is.", he said, grabbing Julie's hands and holding them gently. "What we all have, the band and... and what you and I have could never go away just because some things change. I will always be Luke and you will always be Julie.".

   "Then I'm guessing that you really meant your promise last night.".

   "I would never fake a promise to you.", he shakes his head. "That's not how I roll.".

She chuckled smiling. "I just wanted to clarify since we didn't get that much time like we thought we would.".

   "That's not your fault, it's Caleb's.", he said and she nodded. "Should we go back inside? We have a song to write.".

   "Right, yes, let's get back to it.".

Luke released one of her hands, but still held on to the other one as Julie opened the doors to the garage and they walked in together. Reggie and Alex looked at them, noticing their hands and smiled. Luke and Julie looked down at the hands, releasing them and chuckling.

   The next day, Violet walked out of her house holding two letters. She exhaled heavily and nervously, a jolt hit her and Alex appeared. Violet looked at him surprised, settling herself. "Alex, what are you doing here?".

   "Looking for you actually, I have to talk to you, it's about Willie.".

   "And here it comes.".


   "You like him, don't you?".

He chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets. "Is it that obvious?".

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