I Belong With You

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Luke looked concerned at Violet as she said that name. "Who's Midge?".

   "She is... was my ex, what's she doing here?", she walked closer towards her and Luke followed her.

  "She's your ex? Reggie told me that me that you are into both.".

  "Yeah, but that is not the point.".

Violet had her eyes at Midge, trying to listen to what her conversation was with. "Hey, mrs. Peters, it's Midge.... Yeah, I'm here.... Okay... Yeah, yeah, I got the address.... I will be there in five.... Bye.", Midge said and hanged up the phone, starting to walk.

   "She is going to my house, I have to follow her.", she said as she watched Midge walking away.

   "Okay, do you want me to come with you?".

Violet looked at Luke and he gave her a small smile, she nodded. "Yeah.", she smiled back and they started to follow Midge to Violet's house.

   At the Hollywood Ghost Club, Caleb was in his room and trying to get his powers show from his hands, he sighed frustrated as it didn't show. Willie appeared in front of him and he looked at him. "William, just the man I wanted to see.".

   "I know what you did to Violet, how could you? She's your niece.".

   "I didn't have the choice, William. I have to have the guys in my band, I'm not giving up on them. And we both know Violet's dancing is what we need.".

   "So you gave her the stamp? It's really hurting her... more than it did the guys.".

   "That will make the process faster, excellent but... we have an issue, my powers are gone.".

   "What? How?".

   "You tell me.", he said, opening his arms in the air. "It happen when... when I gave Violet the stamp.".

   "She did say that something happen when you gave it to her which made the stamp stronger.".

   "I have to speak to her.".

   "No, I won't let you go near her!", Willie said upset.

   "William, do not forget that I own you and your soul.".

   "Since you don't have any powers right now, I found that very impossible.", he said in a threatening way before he walked out of his room, slamming the door

   Violet, Luke and Midge at Violet's house and Midge was knocking the door, it opened and showed Violet's mother smiling at her. "Midge.".

   "Mrs. Peters.", she smiled and they hugged. Violet and Luke were watching them, she was looking questionable and he was looking concerned for her. "It feels so good to see you.".

   "You too, and I have told you, call me Selena.".

   "Right. Hey, thank you for inviting me to Violet's 20 years anniversary for her death.".

Violet's gasped a little and looked surprised, her eyes were showing the feeling of sorrow. Luke looked at Violet more concerned.

   "We were just leaving for the graveyard, we have to get flowers too.".

   "Alright, but get her violets, we both know it's both of your favorites.".

Violet's mother smiled, nodding. The rest of her family was getting ready to go and Violet was watching them. "It was been 20 years since I died, that's why she is here.".

   "Are you okay, Violet?", Luke asked her. She looked down before she looked up at Luke, shaking her head. Luke sighed and hugged her gently, they pulled back and looked at each other.

Julie And The Phantoms - season 2Where stories live. Discover now