The Very First Time

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"Luke, there is something I have to tell you.", she struggled out as the jolt was still hurting her. "I lied to you... Caleb did do something to me, he gave me the stamp and... it's bad.".

"Why didn't you tell us?".

"I didn't want you to worry about me.", she shook her head. "You have your gig to worry about, not me.".

"But I... what do you have to do to get rid of it?".

"Convince you to join his band and be his dancer, or do my unfinished business.".

Luke sighed and looked down, he looked up at her hand and grabbed it, holding it gently. "We are not gonna do that, so what should we do?".

"I have to find out what my unfinished business is, well... me and Willie.".

"And me.".

"You wanna help?".

Luke nodded. "Of course, just like in the song... I would do anything for you.".

"That was actually about me and Midge.".

"Oh.", he chuckled nervously smiling as he looked down. "Well, it was a good song. Midge was a very lucky girl.". Violet blushed and smiled, looking down at their hands. They looked up at each other smiling, she leaned down to rest her head against his shoulder. "Don't worry, we will figure something out.". Violet nodded softly slowly as they held hands, and they both felt like they didn't want to let go.

Julie was in school, walking in the hallway and looking for Nick. After her conversation with Luke last night, she just feels like she haves to break it off with Nick. She found him walking out of a classroom and she took a deep breath before walking towards him.

"Hey Nick, we have to talk.", she said to him.

She got his attention and looked at her. "Hey Jules, what's up?".

"Uhm... how is your head? Was something wrong with your memory?".

"Well, my mom said nothing was wrong with it physically, but mentally... it was like a black out or something like that, I don't remember anything.".

"Wow, I'm so sorry.".

"It's fine, I just gotta live with it. Flynn have updated a lot about what have happen lately.".

"Yeah, about that... listen, I really enjoyed our time together but-".

"You don't feel what I feel for you.".

Julie sighed and nodded. "Something like that, I'm sorry.".

"It's okay, I actually kinda sensed that.".

"You did?".

"Yeah, that guy from your hologram band, Luke right?".

"What about him?".

"I saw how you were looking at him during that Great song, you're into him, Molina.".

She chuckled, pulling a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Yeah, but I'm not sure that will even happen, he isn't even re... here, he isn't even here so.".

"Well, if it's meant to be, there will come a way.".

"And if it's not?".

"Then... I'll always be here for a should to cry on.".

They both chuckled and smiled at each other. "Thanks, Nick. So I guess we are okay then?".

"Of course we are.", he nodded.

Julie And The Phantoms - season 2Where stories live. Discover now