Running Out

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Luke was walking down the streets of Hollywood frustrated, his mind were all about him and Julie. What have been with the band and between him and her lately have been making him going on the downside. As he was walking, tons of flashbacks of him and Julie came into his head.

   (Flashback 1)

Julie and Luke are at school, and Julie is holding her phone against her ear.

   "A-actually no, there is one more thing I want to talk to you about.", he chuckled while smiling. "It's... I know I'm not the easiest person to work with, but I- I wanted to tell you I-I think you make me a better writer.", he said as he scratched the back of his head nervously while looking at her.

   "I think we make each other better.", she smiled.

   (Flashback 2)

Julie came back home and sees Luke standing at her front porch, they look at each other.

   "Hey.", Julie said as she stopped walking.


   "I'm sorry for overstepping.", she said as she went closer to him.

Luke stood up more straight as he watched her movements. "No, I- I just had to leave. That was..".

   "You don't have to say anything.".

   "Yeah, I do. I- I don't have many regrets in my life except for running out of my parents, especially my mom so... thank you.".

   "You helped me feel more connected to my mom so... I wanted to do the same thing for you.".

   "That was perfect.".

They looked down at their hands as Julie tried to touch it but it came through, she shrugged and looked up and away from him. He watched her and then did the same.

   "This is an interesting little relationship you and I have.".

They smiled at each other.

   (Flashback 3)

Julie and Luke are standing close to each other in her garage, staring into each other's eyes and they both chuckle.

   "What?", Luke asked curiously whole smiling.

   "Uhm... can you do me a favor?".

   "Anything, Julie, you know that.".

   "When you cross over... if... if you happen to see my mom, can you tell her I love her and... thank her for bringing you to me?".

   "Yeah, I will.".

They smile at each other.

   (Flashback 4)

Julie found the guys in the garage after their performance at the orpheum, they all are in tears and Luke is approaching her.

   "No music is worth making, Julie, if we are not making it with you.", he looked at her with teary eyes as he inhaled. "No regrets.".

   Julie hugged him, having her arms wrapped around his shoulders and his arms were around her waist. They were holding each other for a while. "I love you guys.", she whispered sobbingly. Reggie and Alex watched them. They realized they can actually touch each other, and Luke stars to glow. They pull back from the hug and looked confused at each other.

   "How can I feel you?".

   "I-I-I don't know.".

She laid her hand on his cheeks, and he did the same with her cheeks. They smiled at each other.

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