I Have Found You

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Willie looked shocked at Violet. "Is it really you?", he asked in disbelief as she nodded. He ran over to her, embracing her and picking her up as she wrapped her arms around him as well. He spun her around. "Ugh, it feels so good to see you!", he put her down onto the ground and they looked at each other. "I can't believe it's you, what took you so long?".

"What took me so long? What about you? You have clearly been around longer than me, I became a ghost just some weeks back.".

"I have missed you so much.", he smiled brightly.

"I have missed you too.".

Willie looked at Alex and then looked back at Violet. "Was this who you meant?", he asked Alex and he nodded. "But how do you tow know each other?", Alex walked towards them as they looked at him.

"We met yesterday through Luke and Reggie, and when she told me your name, I recognized it and thought I would reunite you two.".

"But why didn't you tell me?".

"I wanted to surprise you.".

Willie smiled at Alex and hugged him, having his arms surrounded around his back and he returned the hug. Violet watched them hug and smiled as she kinda realized what slightly was going on between them. They released each other and looked at Violet.

"When Alex told me he knew you, I became so happy, but also sad since you are dead.", she said as she looked at Willie. "How did you die?".

"Two years after you died, I was diagnosed with cancer which made my family say that I will have to give up on my skateboard for a while, but I didn't take it seriously. So one day, I took my skateboard and went on a ride, then I suddenly felt dizzy and... and I hit my head pretty heard which made my brain bleed. I died in the hospital after that.".

Violet and Alex's faces were turned to sad as they looked each other before they looked back at Willie. "I'm so sorry, Wills.", she said and placed her hand at his shoulder.

"It's fine, now I can skate around without bumping into anyone.", he smiled a little. "And if I wasn't a ghost here I wouldn't have met you again and I wouldn't have met Alex.", his eyes turned to Alex who chuckled while smiling, looking down.

"Yeah, Alex told me that you two met by that you actually skated into him.", she giggled lightly. "So I guess you actually do bump into people when you skate, ghost people.".

"Yeah, but it was worth getting on the ground for him.", Alex said as he lifted up his head at Willie. "Even if it did hurt a bit.".

"Falling because of Willie is never a bad thing.", she shook her head.

Willie and Alex exchanged looks at each other and smiled as they chuckled.

"You wanna join the skate lesson?", Willie asked.

"Sure, but I will just watch. You know I don't skate.", she shook her head while smiling.

He laughed softly. "Oh yeah, I remember your first time at my board.".

"I still see that as fully your fault.".

"Of course you do.", he smiled brightly. "Okay, let's get started then.

Alex, Willie and Violet walked back to the skatepark together.

Reggie and Luke was in the garage playing "Slow Dance" on their guitars, and Luke smiled the whole time he was playing it. Reggie noticed it and looked suspicious at him, Luke looked up at him and furrowed his eyebrows at him.

"What?", he asked curiously.

"What you thinking about?".

"The song.".

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