Little Melodies

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Nick was looking around him confused and then he looked at Caleb as he turned around to him.

   "What happen?", Nick asked.

   "Don't you mind that, just get that for Julie.", he said to him, pointing at the letter.

He looked at the letter and nodded, walking off. Caleb turned back to Violet and Willie, walking towards them. "It's that niece Violet I am seeing?". Violet and Willie looked at him as they heard him, looking surprised at him.

   "Uncle Caleb.", she smiled.

   "Caleb, where have you been?", William asked.

   "Just inside a person.".

Willie widened his eyes at him. "You controlled a person? You know how dangerous that is!".

   "William, I would like to have a word with my niece... alone.".

Willie and Violet looked at each other and she nodded. "It's okay, Wills.". He nodded and she left of with Caleb. They walked a little from Willie before Caleb stopped to look at her.

   "When did you get here? Ever since William told me you died, I have been worrying sick about you.".

   "Oh don't lie to me, Caleb. The only thing you've been worried about is your club and its band. Willie have been telling me what you have been doing. You were already a jerk of a wizard when you're alive but you are worse now, I was the only one who was able to see the good in you but now... I'm not sure there is any good left in you.".

   "You sure don't mean that.".

   "Oh, I do. I have recently come to care about your new discovered band, and the fact that you put your stamp onto them... just proves the point that my family was right about you.".

   "Do not talk to me like that, young lady.".

   "Young lady? You can't tell me what to do, you're not my father... you're just his brother.", she said before turning away from him, but he grabbed her hand which made her look at him and she looked down at her wrist. He gave her the stamp and as he did that, something happen that made them move and something felt different after it.

   "That doesn't usually happen.", he said.

   "Why did you do that?".

   "To learn a lesson, my dear niece. You better do something before you end up as weak as that band was.".

   "What do I gotta do?".

   "That band you seem to care about, I want them in my band, last time they refused because of their dear Julie... I was inside her friend Nick's body which made her get less time with the band, I want you to get them to join me, you four would take my band to the next level.".

   "All four of us? You want me too?".

   "You are still a dancer aren't you?". Violet nodded at his question "Excellent.", he said before he poofed away.

   Willie ran over to Violet and looked concerned at her, they looked down at her wrist. "He gave you the stamp, didn't he?".

   "Yeah, the only way I can get rid of it is as if I get the guys and myself to join him.".

   "I knew I shouldn't have left you alone with him, we have to tell the others.".

   "No, we can't!", she shook her head. "I don't want them to be worried about be, they have that concert to worry about.".

   "But we gotta do something.".

   "We can find out what my unfinished business, like the guys did.".

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