For Hope To Come

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   "Did you just see what I saw?", Alex asked surprised and nervously as he walked to stand in front Reggie and Luke, looking at them confused.

"Was it just me or did Nick see us?", Reggie asked.

"That was what I asked, Reg.".

"No, it wasn't.". Alex sighed and looked down at his words. "But how did Nick see us? Ray didn't see me last night.".

"I have no idea, but I have a bad feeling about it.", Luke said putting his hands onto the piano.

"Maybe maybe, he haves the sixth sense.".

"I have a bad feeling about this, guys.".

Reggie chuckled and smiled. "Yeah but that is because you don't like the idea of Julie going on a date with him.".

"That is not the only reason why.", he looked at Reggie.

"Oh, so there is another reason to it then?".

"Guys, that is not the point.", Alex said annoyed. "Nick looked straight at us, I gotta agree with Luke, it doesn't feel like a good thing. There's gotta be more to it.".

"Maybe Wille knows something, he have been a ghost longer than we have.". Luke said as his attention turned to Alex.

"Yeah, I can definitely ask him tomorrow.".

"Okay, and was it just me or was Julie feeling a little sad as she singed that song?", Reggie asked.

"I mean, I think it was about her mom so that's probably why.".

Reggie nodded as he smiled, looking at the text. "It was amazing, but there is no way we can make it a song for the band, it's too slow.".

"Reg, don't try talking something that is not important. You are both not making this a big deal when it is a huge deal, Nick saw us and acted like it was nothing. He was a human and humans can't see ghosts.".

"If you have the sixth sense you can.".

Luke and Alex looked annoyed at Reggie and he looked back at them before he looked down.

Next day at school, Julie was in the music room playing "Against The Heart" as she smiled down at her movements, but she stopped playing as she heard someone walking in and looked up, it was Carrie. They looked at each other for a while.

"What do you want Carrie?", she asked annoyed.

"I didn't say anything.".

"You always do have plenty to say, so you may just get it out before anyone stops you.".

Carrie nodded and exhaled. "I actually do think we need to talk.", she said and walked towards her with sorrow eyes which made Julie furrow her eyebrows at her. "I just wanna say that... you and your band did great at the orpheum. You four sound really good together, and I'm glad you find each other.".

Julie was taken by surprise by Carrie's words and she thought about what to say to her. "You really think so?".

"Yeah, the way you performed... it really showed that music belongs to be in your life, and that it always have done.".

"What have made you suddenly say this to me? Thought you hated me.".

"I never said I-", she stopped in the middle of the sentence as the rest of the class came and she looked at them, then she looked back at Julie that was on her way to stand up from the piano. Carrie watched her walk to sit down next to Flynn and Nick, and she sighed. She sat down on a chair in front of Julie.

Julie And The Phantoms - season 2Where stories live. Discover now