🥀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 2🥀

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𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐩! 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐩! 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐩!

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𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐩! 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐩! 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐩!

I was woken up by my arm clock. What day is it today? I look at my calendar then i saw that it is first day of the class after summer. Gosh i need to hurry. I change my pajamas into this:

 I change my pajamas into this:

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Im kinda nervous right now. Because i know people will judge me. They always say that im not beautiful, pretty or worth it to love. But the hell i dont even care. I am me, i love me and that is whats important. After i changed my clothes i already went downstairs to see my mom and dad eating breakfast. I really dont have a good relationship with my dad. He is kinda manipulative, he always wants me to be the 1st place. I mean i cant always be the perfect daughter you want. When i was about to go out they saw me.

"Naya come eat with us." My dad said without looking at me.

"I cant, im full" i said then closed the door. I dont really wanna eat with them. I know that they will just say that im not doing my best in school tsk.

I took the bus. And my travel time is just 20 minutes since there was no traffic. I already arrived at the school. And woah it is big. No wonder i wont have any friends in here again because im really shy and this is a big campus.

"Naya!!!! Long time no see" i heard someone shouted and it was Nika.

Nika is my friend. Her mom is my moms friend. So we dont have any choice just to be close. She takes me to blind dates but seriously i have no time for that. I need to maintain ny grades cuz my dad will kill me.

"Hey Nika its good to see you again" i said while giving her a smile. Now the bell rang already which means class is about to start. We walked to our classroom. While walking i bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry" i apologized. When i looked up i realized that he was the man i encountered last night in the convenience store. He just smirked then left me on the floor. Amazing right tsk. "Girl, what have you done. You bumped the famous heartthrob in the campus, he is Jake. Jake Shim." Nika said but i dint really care if he is popular. He is not even 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏.

•3rd POV•

Little did she know that he is also the leader of a mafia gang which is called Enhypen. Naya and Nika entered the classroom. Fortunately Naya is not beside Jake and unfortunately Nika is not beside her. After 4 hours of listening its already lunch time. Naya and Nika made their way to the cafeteria. Naya saw Jake sitting with his friends.

•Jake's POV•

Why do i feel like this? When she entered the room i just stoooed eating and looked at Naya the whole time.

"I think someone is inlove with Naya, the new student" Heeseung teased Jake. "Shut up im not inlove with her" Jake replied while giving Heeseung a glare.


It is dissmisal time already. And our boss called us to have a meeting. I asked Heeseung to drive the car to the headquarters. After 20 minutes if driving.

"Boss we are here" Jungwon called his boss. "Great i have a mission for all of you. You need to orotect this girl" our boss showed us a picture and it was...... 𝑵𝒂𝒚𝒂. "why do we need to protect her?" Jake asked while looking at the picture. "Because she is important. We cant let the other gang like NCT, BTS, and SVT get her. She is the daughter of my good friend which is his dad. She is adopted. Make sure to stay quiet. Make her stay at your own headquarters so it will be easy to protect her. Ill inform her parents about this." Our boss explained then we left already.

All i felt was pain. My heart softened in the part where Naya doesnt know she is adopted. She doesnt know her parents are dead. And we cant tell her that. "Jake dies this mean we have to talk to her?" Niki asked their leader.

"Im gonna tell her why we need to protect her." I exclaimed.

•Naya's POV•

I went to my locker after dissmisal. I need to put my books inside it. When suddenly someone grabbed my hand. It was Jake. "Hey  Naya im sorry for the way i act last time." He apologized while looking down. "Oh no its fine  but why are you talking to me.?" I asked because he never talk to girls like me tsk. "Im gonna be staright forward. I an the leader of the mafia gang Enhypen. And last night our boss told us to protect you. And you need to stay in our headquarters so we can protect you better" He explained to me but i still couldnt understand why they need to protect me. "But why do you need to protect me?" I asked him while looking into his eyes.

"Because someone might kill you." He said. I was shocked of course why would someone even kill me? Gosh. "Who are they?" I asked. Tbh i have so many questions running in my mind. "Its the other mafia gang those are BTS, SVT and NCT that is why you need to live in our headquarters cuz that is what our boss said." He explained once again. "My parents wont allow me Jake." "Our boss talked to them already." He answered rapidly. "No, i want to ask then they wont just give me to random guys." i decided to give my parents a call.

☏︎𝐢𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥☏︎


Yes? You are on speaker we can hear you

Did you allow me to stay with the Enhypen mafia gang? You didnt right?

Naya there is something we have to tell you.



☏︎𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝☏︎

☏︎𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝☏︎

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