🥀PART 9🥀

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•Naya's POV•

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•Naya's POV•

We are all in the car while Heeseung is driving the car. I was sitting by the window and Jake of course he is beside me. I just leaned my head on the window thinking of stuffs. We are on our way to the school. While driving there was a rough part of the road and my head keep bumping the window. It hurts but to know that your father was murdered is the most painful.

A hand grabbed my head and put it in his shoulders. I looked up to find its owner and it belongs to Jake. "Naya cheer up! you still have us" Heeseung shouted keeping his eyes infront. The boys agreed with what Heeseung said. I just smiled so theybwont be worried anymore. After minutes of driving we already arrived at the school. Since we all have the first subjects we walked together to the classroom. When we entered the classroom we sat on our seats already.

Well there is not much happenings today. I jist wanna kill the girl infront of me which is Nayen. Jake noticed me that i kept on glaring at Nayen, so Jake tapped me on my shoulders and smiled at me signaling me to relax. After taking notes and such its already  lunch time. We went to the cafeteria. Before we sat the i remembered that i forgot my wallet at the classroom. I rushed back and i saw a drink on my desk. Its my favorite drink which is banana milk. It said on the letter that its from Nika. So of course ill get it.

"Oh where did you get that banana milk Naya?" Sunoo asked when he saw me holding it. "Oh i saw it on my desk and it says that its from Nika." I exclaimed then he nodded. I opened the banana milk and drank it. I started feeling dizzy but i didnt mind about it. Nika arrived sitting with us on the table eating lunch. "HEY NAYA! What are you drinking??" She asked me. "Oh how come you dont know, youre the one who gave me this" i said calmly but then..."Uhm Naya i didnt give you that. Why would i even duh" She said and ofc the boys heard that. I cant stop my dizziness and now i feel like im gonna throw up. I stood up leaving the boys shocked. I went to the cr and throwed up.

"Nika!!! I-i cant b-breathe" I said while crying. "Guyss help!! Naya cant breathe properly again! Help her now!" I heard Nika shouted. While my vision is still getting blurry. i saw Jake entered the restroom then he carried me in a bridal style then ran to the car. And that was the last thin i saw before i passed out. AGAIN.


•Jake's POV•

Why does every bad things happen to my girl?  Please dont take her away from me. Tears started falling down my cheeks. We arrived at the emergency room already. She was being accomodated by the nurses.


The doctor came out. "Mr. Jake, did she drink something a while ago?" The doctor asked me and i nodded. "The only thing she drank before that is the Banana Milk doc. Why is it something bad?" I explained. "Well bad news is your girlfriend was poisoned. Good news is she didnt die. Because the poison used is dangerous. You can visit her now" the doctor explained.

I enetered her room. I saw her sleeping, tubes are connected inside her mouth to give her air to breathe. The doctor also said that it depends if she will wake up. The boys arrived. I told them everything.


Its been a week already and yet there is no signs of Naya waking up. I am starting to get worried about my girl. What if she doesnt wake up? What will i do? I dont wanna lose her. "Sunoo please stay with Naya for a moment" i said then left the room. I drove the car and went to the park where we went on our first date. I picked up a cherry blossom then i wished on it. Naya said that if you wish and blow on these cherry blossoms it might come true. The only thing i want to happen is for Naya to wake up.

"I wish...my girl will wake up soon i dont wanna lose her. She is the only one i have" then i blew it. My phone suddenly rang when i arrived inside the car.

☏︎𝐢𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥☏︎


I-its Naya. -Sunoo

Waeyo did something happened?

S-she is awake Jake

Ill be there

☏︎𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝☏︎

☏︎𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝☏︎

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