🥀PART 11🥀

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•Naya's POV•

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•Naya's POV•

I love Jake but to the point that it was all a bet? I know he called it off last week. But bruh im still hurts. "Naya ill take you home please" Jake said when i stood up. My leg hurts because this bitchy Nayen shot it. I cant walk properly and im feeling dizzy.  "Ill just take the cab" I said then left Jake. I just wanna be alone right now. I feel like im just a burden to ENHYPEN. I should ignore them first. Im hurt and thats the only thing feel. 


I already arrived at the house. I went back to my foster parents because i missed them already. I opened the door and saw.................blood. When i saw that blood i started to panic. I went upstairs and i saw my foster dad lying on the floor. DEAD. Tears started falling down my cheeks. I limp because my leg hurts. I arrived at their room's bathroom and i saw my foster mom inside the tub with a cut on her throat. My world started to fall out. Why does every bad thing happen to me? Why does it have to be me? What is wrong with my life? Why do i always lose someone? Police came and i was sitting outside the house. Im just here staring blankly without noticing that ENHYPEN came to check me out. "Naya!! are you okay?" I heard someone said it but im still here crying and staring blankly. Then suddenly someone hugged me. "Naya im sorry i wont ever hurt you again" i realized that it was Jake. I hugged him back and cried so hard. "SHhhhh its okay im sorry for your loss. Me and the boys are always here for you. Im sorry for the bet thing but i promise the feelings i have for you isnt just a bet its real Im sorry Naya i love you so much" Jake said making me cry again. 

Hours passed ENHYPEN drove me back at their mansion. I slept in the car since i was very tired.

•Jake's POV•

I felt a heavy head on my shoulder. When i looked it was Naya. She was sleeping peacefully. I admire her face. We already arrived at the mansion, i dont wanna ruin her sleep so i carried her in a bridal style and take her to her room. I laid her gently and brushed her hair.  I went downstairs to tell the boys to get the dinner ready. 

"Guys is dinner ready?" i asked them. "Oh its almost ready lets watch the news first" Heeseung said. Sunghoon turned the tv on. And the first news that was broadcasted was about Naya's parents. 

"Tonight the parents of Ms. Kim Naya was killed or murdered inside their house. The young girl Naya went home and saw her parents dead on the floor. Police are now investigating the crime scene and looking for clues." the reporter stated. 

•Naya's POV•

I woke up in my room at the mansion. And i heard the tv was on downstairs. The boys are watching the news and.....

"Tonight the parents of Ms. Kim Naya was killed or murdered inside their house. The young girl Naya went home and saw her parents dead on the floor. Police are now investigating the crime scene and looking for clues." This is what i heard and saw on the news. 

"I think its my fault." I said enough for the guys to hear it. They were shocked because i was there. They all thought i was sleeping. "Naya its not your fault okay?" Sunghoon said giving me a big smile. "Guys lets eat?" Niki said and rushed to the table. 

"Babi please eat" Jake said to me. I turned slightly red when i heard that nickname again. I started eating my food. After we have our meal i suggested to have a movie night. You know i need things to distract me.

"Guys lets watch a movie pleaseee" they all nodded as a sign of agreement. "how bout horror??" Heeseung suggested then Niki went to me and hugged me. Gosh he is already 15 yet he is still scared. "Noona im scared" Niki just freakin called me Noona. "Yah its the first time you called her noona" Jungwon stated. "Dont worry just sit by my side you little scaredy cat" i said then gave him a smile.

Jake coughed fakely because Niki was hugging me. "Jealous?" I said looking at Jake while im still hugging Niki. "M-me? N-no of course not." He said well i know he is he looks so cute when he is jealous asf. I held Jake's left hand with my right hand, while my left hand held Nikis right hand. The movie started and we didnt expect the jumpscares. I really have phobia with horror movies but i want to overcome it. And the boys want it so its fine but then... i didnt expect ill react like this.

"G-guys? I think im gonna go to my r-room first" i said i really dont wanna finish this horror thing already. Jake noticed that something ia wrong with me. "Hey babi whats wrong? You seem bothered by something" He asked. I turned around and hugged him tightly "i have a phobia of horror movies im sorry" "why didnt you tell us?" he asked worriedly  "I dont want to ruin your happiness." I answered. "Come on lets just watch another movie"

 "Come on lets just watch another movie"

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