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•Naya's POV•

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•Naya's POV•

When i heard the word 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝 all i felt was anger, and pain. How can they do this to me? did i do something wrong? Why?

I decided to go with Jake already. I dont want to go home anymore. I dont wanna see them ever again.

•Jake's POV•

I think she already know that she is adopted. I am sad for her and it hurts me to see her cry and suffer from pain. "hey its alright okay? Once you meet the boys we will make you happpy" i said while smiling and gently patting her back. Now we have arrived at the headquarters. When we opened the door the 6 boys were standing already.

"Jake w-why is she crying?" Sunoo asked me "She knows already" everyone was shocked when i said that. "Naya this is Heeseung, Jungwon, Sunghoon, Niki, Sunoo and Jay they are the members of our group. Sunghoon please take her to her room so she can rest" i said.

•Naya's POV•

i dont have any tine to deal with this mafia things. Im done with my life. Why didnt they tell me earlier that im adopted? Im tired of my life. I just wanna end everything.

•3rd POV•

Naya just stayed in her room for weeks already. The boys are worried about her She doesnt eat, or even go to school.

•Jake's POV•

Maybe i should comfort her. I walked upstairs and knocked on her room. When i entered the room, no one was in there. I chekced the bathroom and that is when i saw.....

"NAYA!!! guys helpp!! Get the car ready!"

Naya was lying down the floor of the bathroom. Lots and lots of blood were scattered on the floor. And she? She has a cut on her wrist. We rushed her to the hospital and the doctors immediately did the stitching operation.

after 1 hour i saw the doctor came out of the room.

"Mr. Jake? We all know that she did this because she is depressed. I advice you to stay by her side, if she doesnt want to eat you cant let that happen make her happy and talk to her" Then the doctor left after he said that.

I am worried sick right now.

•Naya's POV•

When i opened my eyes, i saw a white room. The ceiling has lights which made my eyes hurt. I dont know what happened. Why is Jake beside me? And why am i in the hospital. Ouch my hand hurts.

"j-jake? Why am i here?" I asked him and he rapidly woke up. "When i entered your room i saw you in the cr lying down and there is lots of blood. I rushed you to the hospital." He explained with a worried face. "I-im sorry i bothered you Jake." I apologized because i felt like i am just a distraction. "Naya no its okay, but please Naya. Please dont do that again 𝑰 dont wanna lose you. I mean 𝒘𝒆 Dont wanna lose you" he said to me while holding my hand. "Thank you Jake"

Im now getting discharged in the hospital. After a few minutes we arrived at the ENHYPEN headquarters already. The boys were waiting for me. "NOONA! YOURE BACK WE MISSED YOU" Niki shouted. "please dont ever do that again" Sunghoon plead. I just felt sorry. Because they were worried about my stupid actions.

I asked Jake if we can go to the park. I just wanted to go outside since now its winter. "Jake can i go to the park?" "Sure but i will come with you. remember its dangerous to be alone that is why 𝐈 𝐀𝐌 here to protect you. I MEAN 𝐖𝐄 ARE HERE TO PROTECT YOU" I agreed that he can come with me.

We are already at the park. Since there is snow everywhere. I decided to make a snow ball. I thriwed it at Jake. Which startled him. But then he made a bigger snow ball and threw it at me also.

•3rd POV•

While in the park both of them are just laughing and throwing snowballs at each other. They never knew that they will be close. Now that its getting darker they already need to go home.

•Naya's POV•

"Thanks for today Jake i really had fun with you." I thanked him while giving him a smile. "No problem Naya you always have me okay?" He said. Making me blush and look like a very riped tomato.

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