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After yesterday. I suddenly felt something. I Feel safe and confortable when i am around  Jake. I feel loved and cared. But why? I cant be....inlove with him.

No i am not.

•3rd POV•

Can Naya really stop her feelings for Jake? Can she fullfill her words?Will she really not fall for Jake? Well lets see.

•Jake's POV•

Maybe i do like her. I know i just met her a few days ago but i felt different when i am with her. The way she looks at me is different. She is not like my ex who treated me like a dog. "I think our leader is inlove with Naya" Jungwon said while punching my right arm.

"Ya hajima! And so what if i like her?" I said pushing Jungwon teasing him back. "So you..do like her. Ohhhh cutee" Heeseung said making the boys look at me in shocked face.

•3rd POV•

After Jake answered that question. They didnt know someone was listening to their conversation.  Jake wanted to keep a secret because he knows Naya prefers private relationships. But now that someone heard their convo what would happen?

•Naya's POV•

I was walking going to our classroom. But while i am walking in the classroom i saw a geoup of girls talking about something. When i passed by them i heard...

"Hey do you know that Jake likes Naya?Omgosh she really thinks Jake will like her ugh What a pity" "I mean she doesnt even look good" "What did Jake see in that poor Naya." "Jake likes that adopted girl?I mean ewww" These were the things i heard when i passed by  them. 

I now reached our classroom. I opened the door and entered. Ince i entered i saw the boys looking at me. Then here is Jake smiling at me. I was a little mad because students are talking about me and Jake. I knew this would happen. Yes, i do like him. But i dont want girls to hate me for liking Jake. I think i should distance myself first. But i know it will be hard because im staying at their gang's house. Ill just stay quiet if im with him so i could avoid all this. Since i was transferred and now i sit beside Jake. I should try ignoring him right now so people wont make issues. 

"Hey Naya" Jake said while looking at me. I just smiled at him then focused on taking notes again. 

•Jake's POV•

She just smiled at me. That is weird cuz usually she wave or say Goodmorning at me. But today, she seems so cold. Did i do something wrong? The bell aleady rang which means its already our lunch time. I saw Sunghoon stand and come near Naya. Naya was about to leave when Sunghoon grabbed her hand asking if she wants to join us for lunch. "Naya come join us for lunch" Sunghoon said to her. "Uhm i was actually planning to eat by myself" Naya answered but then Niki heard it "Naya remember you cant stay away from us. You should eat with us to keep you safe" Niki said and giving her a smile. Ofc Naya doesnt have a choice so she just nodded. 

Jungwon came to me while we were walking at the hallway on our way to the cafeteria. "Hey Jake, did you two fight? She seems cold with you. Did something happened?" He asked me because he notice Naya's actions also. "I dont also know why she acts like that today." I answered as we reached the cafeteria. We were sitting and eating our foods and Naya just stayed quiet. We the boys also noticed that. 

•Naya's POV•

I was just eating my food peacefully. When a group of girls passed by us looking at me aggressively. They are whispering with each other enough for me and the boys to hear. "Gosh now she is eating with them the school's heartthrob boys? She is just a pity on them. She is so ugly to be with them. That bitch cant date Jake. Disgusting little piece of shit." After they said that the boys looked at me in a worried face. I know they heard that and now im embarrassed. I immediately stood up from where i was sitting. "Uhm excuse me i have to do something else" Then i left them leaving them worried. 

Jake's POV

"Uhm excuse me i have to do something else" That was all she said then Naya left. We the boys heard everything the girls said. I tried to follow Naya  but Heeseung said to give her some space to think. 

It is already dismissal time. Me and the boys are gathered waiting for Naya. Then suddenly Sunoo received a message from Naya. 

Hey Sunoo i left earlier because i wanted to go somewhere. Ill be home by 6:30pm 

OK just be careful Naya you know your situation

I know thanks

Now we entered the car. Sunghoon was driving the car. Jay noticed me being worried and nervous about Naya. I cant stop thinking about her right now. Its 5:55 pm already and its getting dark. I wanted to talk to her but maybe i did really do something wrong? We finally arrived at the headquarters and its already 6:35pm. We were expecting Naya to be home by 6:30 because that is what she promised. And Naya never breaks her promises. Its already 7:30pm and yet Naya is still not home. Me and the boys were sitting in the couch of the living room. Patiently waiting and hoping that Naya is safe. After 5 minutes at exactly 8:00 someone knocked at our door. 

*knock knock knock*

"Ill take it maybe its Naya" i said reassuring the boys. When i opened the door i saw Naya.......covered with blood.

•Naya's POV•

It is already 6:20 and since i still have time i decided to go to a convenience store to buy a banana milk. Because that is my comfort food. After i bought it in this dark store. I stepped out and began walking since im near the boy's house. But then someone grabbed my hand. They pulled my hair. All i saw was a group of girls. They punched me so hard making me sob. They broke a glass and then stab me with a piece of it. "w-who are you? Why are you doing this to me?" I asked weakly. "You dont know who i am? I am Nayen. Stay away from my boyfriend!!!" She shouted at me then stab me again with the broken glass. They went away. My vision was blurry but i chose to walk to the headquarters. I finally reache the door and knocked i was cover in blood. 

*knock knock knock* 

When the door opened I just saw Jake then everything turned into



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